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Missing 3D models for some items

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Anyone have an idea why some of the stuff are missing? What is missing here is 3D model for the Barrax ECM pod and the Phimat chaff dispenser.

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Have you added a weapons pak??? They're not stock items, and therefore not available without one or the other Pack (Bunyaps or Mirage Factory)



kevin stein

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Thing is, I installed both weapons packs...and the items showed up in the loadout menu. I hope this is not a case of conflicting items...

Edited by kct

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That is a case of conflicting weapons packs. Use the Mirage Factory weapons pack or use the Bunyaps weapons pack but not both at the same time. Otherwise theini's call out the wrong LOD's (what the game uses to draw stuff).

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Hmmm, so far this problem never happened with me (I combined the WPs as instructed), except for this.

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Check the dates, AttachmentType, pylon limitations, nation (of the weapon -v- aircraft), export availability (I've had situations where I couldn't get, for example, Phoenix on USN Tomcats in Germany until I changed the export value to or above rare) and model names.

Edited by drdoyo

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Unless you're an expert on combining weapons packs...I would NOT recommend it. I combined mine, but that's because I did it by hand...I vetted all 2200+ entries to make sure to avoid missing LOD problems. I'd say that's your problem right there. Also, go into the weapondata.ini and look for the Barrax and Phimat entries. Check for the LODs (or ini files) the weapon entries look for.



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Well, uh, I'll try to get back to them in a week's time, finals and all that. That and I don't really fly the Mirages other than fun.

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Alright, just an update. It seems after some really weird stuff (I fiddled around with stuff during breaks), and the things showed up later on. Guess I should be careful about this right now.

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