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Yet Anither Fantastic A-10 Shooting Flares Shot!

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I am losing lots of sleep over this incredible, long awaited demo! I can only imagine how disruptive the full version is going to be to my life! Wait a minute, who am I kidding…what life?!!!! :unsure:


Anyway here’s the shot.


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Yes there is chaff, but at the point of release. This shot was taken far away from that using the "super zoom" feature.


I just like the way the flares spread out and squirm thru the sky. Makes for a cool backdrop. With this being a demo there really isn't too much to do so I'm just trying to take some good poser shots.

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Ya i can't see them either but i know theyr'e there cause more than a few times i've had them stop missles that were tracking me.

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