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Hawk MMS

Stargate: Atlantis Cancelled?

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Same thing with Enterprise, the only ST series since the first to be cancelled, but it was cancelled after it got better! Its first 2 seasons were just as poor as TNG's first 2 years, but people tuned out sooner because unlike TNG it wasn't "fresh" anymore. They found their footing a lot faster than the previous shows did (good in S3, great in S4), but that was too late. It's really a shame because I think its final year was one of the best ST ever did...except for the series finale. That was an abomination brought about my last-minute notice of cancellation and having to throw together a finale real fast.

A big shame there.


Damn JM, you described how the wife and I felt about ST:E as well. It really was getting interesting by S4...finding out that the Romulans had been messing around in affairs eariler than ST:TOS, seeing the beginnings of the Federation...learning more about the Andorians....even seeing the beginnings of the Mirror universe storyline...


I'll also agree with you that the people running these places simply don't have the patience that they used to...sometimes it simply takes time.


Something like B5 couldn't ever be made today because of the logic networks use now...



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You're right, Jedi! But the last ENT episode was (especially after the fantastic two episodes before) just - well, I don't know how to tell it without using words causing an instant ban :blush2:

And they really shouldn't let Frakes and Sirtis appear in that episode - it was frightening! (I hope I won't look that old when I reach their age - and they had professional make-up artists to cover the worst...)

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Yeah, what with the whole holodeck-flashback thing and the cavalier death of a major character...well, I'll be honest it felt more like a poor TNG episode than an ENT one.

The idea that they were basically in-between scenes from an old TNG ep where they looked MUCH younger didn't help. :wink:

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Thank God they were starting to stretch it out way to long loved stargate and the first couple seasons of sga but they turned it into star trek the past few seasons, did any1 notice that.

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Well, it's not like there's a Star Trek out there to compete with. :grin:

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...even seeing the beginnings of the Mirror universe storyline...


That's the only reason why I gave Enterprise a second chance, partly for those two episodes, mostly because I dug Hoshi. Even still, I turned off because I thought it was as stale as Voyager. Now if they'd developed the Mirror Universe storyline and culled the hammy acting, I think things would be different. But hey, with the new Trek movie coming out, they're looking to re-energise the series (no pun intended.). And if the camera work isn't as shaky and evoking of seasickness like Cloverfield, it might just do that!

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