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bouncy landings

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Hi All

Followed all the landing advice and can get the bird down, but every time bounce once before settling down. I have the aoa just right and let the fpm drift to the far end of the runway, but still bounce. Any advice on greasing a non bouncer gratefully received.

tonym :rolleyes:

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I always aim for just before the 2 lines. (The lines are where i wana land) then at the last few seconds i flare up and kill all the power. Then i like to keep my nose up for a couple seconds once my rear wheels have laready hit the ground. Sometimes the bounce is inevitable specialy with low lift birds like the mirage and starfighter. It takes practice and the best way to get better is by doing a ton of touch and goes to get familiar with the whole mechanism of it.

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Try opening your air brakes in increments instead of fully open/closed. This will help you with your forward speed while still creating alot of braking power/drag and help ease your landing.


But the best advice as already said - practise



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