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Awww... great, here comes EA to spoil the party!

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I'm looking forward to seeing how they plan to under-develop and lower the quality of the future of the GTA series! If Take Two has any sense, they'll tell EA to go jump...



You know, if it does go ahead, I wonder how buggy the next GTA would be if EA had a hand in it.

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Knowing EA, they'll just re-release GTA 4 and call it something like "Liberty City 2009", just like they do with all their other games.

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I wouldn't be surprise if they actually use that name. You should copyright that quick to get them to pay you for it. :diablo:

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naw, we all know how well copyrighting words and phrases goes. Look what happened to Trump and "you're fired".


Besides, I'd rather have "Liberty city 2009" then "Super Grand Theft Auto XVII" or something.

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