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One my good acquaintance (he works in a corporation "Suckhoi") revealed to me not official information, that during a conflict in Sonth Ossetia were first applied several of Su-34's "... results are very good, medals list prepare for rewarding of employees of company participating in battle actions..."

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Does shooting at defenseless targets count as combat?

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Does shooting at defenseless targets count as combat?



Now now be nice - There was plenty of Georgian Artillery and armour on the BBC rolling out of SO - and they only reported military targets being hit - apart from a stray bomb - but that happens in every air campaign tbh.

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Does shooting at defenseless targets count as combat?


While it was somewhat one-sided, the losses of Soviet (excuse me - Russian Empire) aircraft would indicate that the Georgians were not exactly defenseless.


To put it another way, the Soviet (excuse me - Russian Empire) losses were three times our losses over Serbia.


I have not seen anything that indicates the Su-34 was used, some Su-24's, Su-25's, Su-27's and Tu-22M's were. It will be interesting to see that info.

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Does shooting at defenseless targets count as combat?


So.... Americans, Britishes,Israelis and French planes are shooting in defenseless targets today, so by these way...Yes. :good:

Unfortunately everybody do it, its war, no matter what you shoot and Youtube can prove it hehe.

Edited by Silverbolt

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Does shooting at defenseless targets count as combat?


Sorry but I can't take this. In that case do AlliedForce and Desert Storm count? ? Yes they were shooting, but the scale of those operations were way bigger and the superiority of western forces overwhelimg

And Afghanistan?

Anyway, I can personally say that they used Hinds and Hips. Not sure if Mi-24, or Mi-35; hard to say when they are 3000 ft below you, flying nap of the earth

Edited by Canadair

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Well, thats exactly what I meant! How can you determine the "value" of a modern fighterplane without proper resistance - that goes for the US, GB and whoerver else operations, too...

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I,agree with MigBuster and lindr2.

Typicall German view from Shaolin.


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[...] "... results are very good, medals list prepare for rewarding of employees of company participating in battle actions..."


Wait, did I understand that correct? "Employees of company"? They used non-military personal to test the jets in a real war?



@Lord Vader ( :biggrin: ): :tongue:

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Well, thats exactly what I meant! How can you determine the "value" of a modern fighterplane without proper resistance - that goes for the US, GB and whoerver else operations, too...


Just some countries in the wold can offer real anti-air resistance against any westenr aricraft against no-Nato Nations as India , China,Israel and Russia.


btw idk if you saw,but russia lost some planes in these conflict (Su-25 and Tu-22, i heard about one Fencer but not confirmed) so, it will look always a unfair war.


the World modern's war logic today is: "Don't mess with the wrong guys".


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Wait, did I understand that correct? "Employees of company"? They used non-military personal to test the jets in a real war?



@Lord Vader ( :biggrin: ): :tongue:


i think...the Shareholder , the people who buy the "papers".

Edited by Silverbolt

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