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I know that there was no RWR warning display in their cockpits, but I've searched through the web and I haven't been able to get any conclusive answers as to whether the real life F-4B/C/D models had any kind of audio warning systems when being tracked or locked on by enemy radars.

Does anybody know whether they had anything like that?

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I would most likely suspect so, given audio-only systems have been in use since WW2 (Mustang and Jug come to mind right off, plus the 'Boozer' lights on Mossies)


Super easy to do -I should know, I 'invented' it!!


--- ok that tutorial dosen't seem to be in the KB...I'll get a version up there ASAP (ie: as soon as I find where I put the notes....)



kevin stein

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The B/D were used up till the end of the war and must have been upgraded at some point - have a RIO account of firing out chaff in an F-4B on account of the warnings he was getting(1972)


The F-4C seems to have been replaced by the D/E by about 1969 so not sure on that - but a pilot says when trying an ALQ-71 for the first time in Jan 67 he was worried about the cloud over Hanoi not giving them much of a warning if SAMs lifted off - doesnt partcularly mean they didnt have any audio warning tone though.

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Thanks for the help guys! I'll be getting to work on the F-4B/C/D DATA.ini files asap. The reason I've asked is at this stage I'm a little sick of cruising through enemy airspace at 26,000ft and WHAAAMMM!!! I've either been hit by a SAM or AAM without ever even knowing I was being 'painted' by enemy radar. A little audio forewarning would be nice.......even in the sixties

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