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Auto rudder

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does F4AF have auto rudder? Could any one tell me if it does because i don't want to purchase rudder pedals yet.

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no idea - maybe on easy level


The rudder has little to no use at the speeds you go at in F4 - useful for landing against a crosswind - or if you are caught very slow in a DF - but thats about it.

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Yeah, in modern jets you barely use the rudder unless on T/O and landing. The only exceptions really are the low/slow CAS jets like the A-10 and Su-25 where you use rudder to correct when coming in for a pass. The F-16 flies so fast, though, that the rudder just doesn't have any effect. I remember when Falcon 3 came out years ago a current F-16 pilot mentioned that to someone who'd been complaining about something or other with rudders in it. He said something like "it doesn't do anything in the real plane over 300kts or so, so why would it here?"

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