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Grumman TBF-1 Avenger Mod

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Grumman TBF-1 Avenger Mod

Grumman TBF-1 Avenger -- A Mod of the Dev A-Team's TBF-1C


This is a mod of the DAT's TBM-1C Avenger of WW2 fame, into an early war version, circa 1942


This is to be considered as an "incomplete" aircraft mod, due to the non-inclusion of certain files. I've NOT included the aircraft LOD file nor the cockpit folder. See below "To Install" for a complete list of the necessary parts.

You -MUST- have the DAT's TBF-1C to make use of this aircraft, as you'll be coping files over from it.


The new skin, from a completly redrawn template based on Gramps' original skins, represents VT-3 based aboard USS Saratoga (CV-3) circa August/September 1942, approximately the time of the Battle of Santa Cruz and the fight for Guadalcanal. All the panel and rivet lines have been redone, new decals created for 'plane in group numbers', aircraft designation, and BuNums for 24 aircraft. It can also be considered a rather 'generic' USN/USMC version, as most units carried no markings. Some USMC VMSB units DID use a 3-digit ID number, based upon the aircrafted BuNum, but that's a story for another day...


I've included all the inis I've modified, so you'll be copying the minimum number of bits. The data ini includes mods that remove the wing guns, and adds the single 30 caliber MG on the nose. Unfortunatley, the LOD still contains the postions of the 2 wing mounted 50 cals, so you'll have to suspend disbelief (or pretend they're broom handles stuck there to fool enemy fighters that they're real guns)

Surface search radar has also been activated. NEW damage tgs's have also been created (they can be used on any of the TBF/TBMs).


= IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, I have NOT tested it in post -8/28/08- patch WoI =


=This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.=


As you probably suspect, there's a highly detailed, step-by-step readme included, so you'd be wise to read it!!! And as always, the usual notes and comments and general nonsense.... :wink:


Happy Hunting!


Kevin Stein


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So, what needs done to make this into a Devastator?


I have a little campaign on the drawing board that could use a TBD :wink::biggrin:



Nice mod, as always, thanks Wrench :good:

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So, what needs done to make this into a Devastator?


I have a little campaign on the drawing board that could use a TBD :wink::biggrin:



Nice mod, as always, thanks Wrench :good:


my opinion is that there is so much difference between the Devastator and the Avenger that they really are not suited to stand in for one another.Might I sugest that the Japanese Kate be used as a substitute with a more sutable skin it will look much more like the Devastator.

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The Kate would be a definate "closer" shape then the Avenger, even without the "humped" canopy. You could even change the AttachmentAngle= for the torp to have it point down like on the Devastators.


Reskinning (other than either creating or being given a template) would be no biggie either...non specular blue/gray with stars in 6 positions, and black individual aircraft numbers (modex?).


If you REALLLY want some accuracy, I should the the full listing the BuNums, too.



kevin stein

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Thanks guys :good:


I'm showing my ignorance of early USN torpedo bombers, I guess :blush:


But thanks for the tips. Nation-specific .ini edits for an existing type and a simple reskinning is something I can probably manage (gets box of blunt crayons out :wink: )


Working on getting ships to engage one another as ground units - you may need a separate install for this one :rolleyes:

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Oppys edit....

while VERY doable, the landing gear is completly WRONG!! Kate's retract inward, and the TBDs went straight back, with about half the wheel exposed.

(very much like the Fairey Battle, but with a radial engine...which leads to some interesting ideas...although I'm sure Capun might not be interested in making the changes...to create a new bird.)


Hell, I'll build a new tempalte for, if I got a LOD!!



kevin stein


(damn, I wish I had 3d skills...)

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Yup, wish I could do 3D modelling.


:blush: Now you're gonna tell me a TBF-1 is nothing like a TBD-1 :blush:


I reckon I should have done more research before I typed that OOB up as a campaign_data.ini file :rolleyes:


Oh well, at least the carriers look right :biggrin:

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Dauntlass as stand-in?? At worst, they were built by the same company (many Daunltless and early Devastators were built less then a mile from where I'm sitting...at Douglas' Santa Monica plant)


I have a personal stake in this. Let me fiddle this weekend with Wolf SBD, and see what I can come up with. Again, it'lll still be wrong, but a LOT closer!



kevin stein

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Cheers Wrench,


Sorry to haul your support thread so far off-topic, but thanks for the help :good:


I reckon I should wait to see Gepard's updated terrain build before release in any event, as there will probably have to be changes to the strategic nodes. I am also messing with the [AirOffensive]= settings to get some structure to the sequence of campaign missions, along the lines of, "Where the hell are their carriers, OMG, they've found ours!!!"


I suspect there will have to be custom terrain_types and terrain_targets .inis with the campaign d/l, so it's better to base that off the final terrain version. And whilst using Gepard's terrain is a snap to model carrier defense/attack missions, getting the game to recognise that your base carrier has been destroyed. . . is probably not going to happen.


Which is where using ships as ground units comes in :yes:

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