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Paint.NET .psd support

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This has been out for a while, but I think it might be useful to the modding/skinning community here:


A (third party) plugin for Paint.NET (PDN) has been released to expand its file type support to include .psd (Photoshop) files (.bmp and .tga files have built in support- making it a good alternative to Photoshop for skinning).


I've been using PDN for a while and it definetly is a good (free) alternative to Photoshop... about the plugin itself, it's easy to use; it retains the layers (although without most of the features specific to Photoshop) and with the included effects (and also more that you can download such as this one), it makes a pretty capable skinning platform. Just wanted to throw that out there.


You can get it here:




Here is the corresponding PDN board thread:




Happy skinning!

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I use PDN myself, and I highly recommend it.

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