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Thanks to Russo's PSD

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All the detail work; panel lines, weathering, etc., is Russouk2004. The choice of colors underneath that detail is what I did, because I can at least get my simplistic paint program to create shapes. And the decals are mine also, so at least I did something. This is not ready for Prime time, but at least I'm able to learn. Looking at the .psd, I can see how much work, effort, and pure skill some of the modders here possess. These shots are just my way of saying thanks...




On my way to England for the afternoon....




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Heck, totally true, your first skin??? Not a bad effort!! In fact, it looks pretty good in the screenies. The Stab marking looks a little too bright; maybe fade the opacity to about 85% when making the decal.

Now, imagine if you will....doing all those details (rivets, panel lines, dirt, etc) OVER using the skin bmp as a guidline. Or WORSE ... creating them for the first time... :crazy:


Nice having blockschrift as an avialable font, huh???? :wink: BTW, there's 3 or 4 different colors available as decals I made for various 109s and 190s....feel free to use them if you wish


on a side note, if that the EAW Euro terrain...it looks like we need CA_Stary to work his tree magic on it (as I noticed yesturday in testing the VVS Airacobra)


Keep it up! You using Gimp?



kevin stein

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Thanks for the tips, Wrench. Forgot about the opacity of the decals. Just learning how to use Gimp, this was created using 3 programs. Don't laugh. Microsucks Picture-It, Arcsoft PhotoImpression 4, and some things in Gimp 2.47. Have to learn more about Gimp so I can utilize more of it. Maybe someday I'll be able to do the things I see in in Russo's psd, but it's going to take time. In fact, so much of this skin is his, he really gets the credit for it. I'm just the guy at the factory that put on the first coat of paint. :rofl: I can't imagine how long it took for him to create that psd. It's got an awesome amount of detail in it. The terrain is Battle of Britain 1.4. I use it because it has barrage balloons all over the place which really make it look BOB. It could definately use some tree work, though. Thanks for the offer of numbers, but I've also created Red, Black, and White, using Blockschrift. I have a picture in one of my books that shows an early Me with orange numbers. Were these really used? Or is this one source just mistaken?


Not only is Russo's psd a great gift to the community, for me, it's a great learning tool. Well, off to work, then some updates to the skin later.



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I also have a psd with the luftwaffe stenceling and 'service ports' for the 190...should have one for the 109s too. Things like the fuel triangle, external power port, 'lift here', O2 filler, glycol port, etc, etc, etc.


Let me know if you want them, and I'll get them too you.

You'll also find over at simmerspaintshop, a butt-load of Luftwafee markings, JG insigina, stenclings, just a whole mess of usefull stuff



kevin stein

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Still updating my decal files for the white, black, and yellow numerals, but I'm having fun with this and learning a lot. So, here's some of the nine skins I'm working on. These won't be specifically "historical," since they won't attempt to represent an individual historic aircraft, but will be an attempt to show the changes during the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain. Each skin will have multiple decal.ini's so you can change Gruppe and Staffel at will.




Took Wrench's advice and reworked the Gruppe symbol and numerals to a 15% transparency.




Had to learn to install Photoshop brushes into Gimp to paint this. I'm going to try three different styles of overpainting.




Couldn't forget the white noses. So many variations during this time period.

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That was actually Dave's advice to me, I'm just passing it along! :biggrin: (for those just joining in, you reduce the transparancy in the image layer DOWN to 85% -- NOT to 15%, otherwise it'll be indivisible. IE: REDUCE it by 15%, makes it have a more painted on look)


Them skins are coming along nicely! Did you get the JG, NJG, StG, ZJG (?) squadron marking from SimmersPaintShop? Save you butt-load of work!!!



kevin stein

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That was actually Dave's advice to me, I'm just passing it along! :biggrin: (for those just joining in, you reduce the transparancy in the image layer DOWN to 85% -- NOT to 15%, otherwise it'll be indivisible. IE: REDUCE it by 15%, makes it have a more painted on look)


Them skins are coming along nicely! Did you get the JG, NJG, StG, ZJG (?) squadron marking from SimmersPaintShop? Save you butt-load of work!!!



kevin stein


Doh! Reduce by 15%! That's what I meant to say, before my brain got in the way. :biggrin: And yes, I culled everything I could find from SimmerPaintShop. Great resource. Gotta put these on hold for a few days, because the work week is the week from.... Heck, but I'll be back on them by the end of the week.



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Nice stuff even for WWII! :good:

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