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I had a biohazard account. I tried to login with my username/password, but it said my username wasn't in the database. So I reset it, got the confirmation email, and it said I was registered. Ok, so how come when I try to login in the biohazard webpage, it still says my username isn't recognized? :angry:

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Vegas, PM me with your original username/password and email and I'll get you synced up between the two accounts.

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Vegas, try it now and let me know when you get logged on, then I'll delete this account.

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Jeff, I don't know what to do... I login fine in the forums, but it won't recognize me on the main site. I'm sure I'm using exactly the same username and password with exactly the same case. If you want to just delete my whole shebang and I'll re-register. I'd like to keep my username though...

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Vegas, my mistake, try it again, it WILL work this time. ;)

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Ive been having the same problem, ya didnt give me personalized service...boo hoo. <_<


Just teasing mj, but same prob here too. Ive tried logging on first with main page, then later with forums and neither logon works with the other part of the website.

Edited by pcpilot

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Ive been having the same problem, ya didnt give me personalized service...boo hoo. <_<


Just teasing mj, but same prob here too. Ive tried logging on first with main page, then later with forums and neither logon works with the other part of the website.

Actually, I didn't know you were having issues, did you send me a message? :(


When you say one login doesn't work with the other, do you mean you have to use a different username/password, or you just have to use the same one twice? If that's the case, it's the way it works unfortunately. I've integrated the forum and website, but only so far as when you signup to one area, it signs you up to both. The actually cookies it saves to your PC are different.

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Same user name and password. Anywho, thanks for your time, its not a big deal as far as Im concerned. Just thought you'd like to know. ;)

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I have the same problem. I login to the forums fine but on the main page I login and it doesn't see me. I've tried taking cookie restrictions off and still doesn't work. Don't worry about trying to fix it if it's hard to fix. I don't think I'm missing out on not being able to login to the main page am I?

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I have the same problem. I login to the forums fine but on the main page I login and it doesn't see me. I've tried taking cookie restrictions off and still doesn't work. Don't worry about trying to fix it if it's hard to fix. I don't think I'm missing out on not being able to login to the main page am I?

If you've create an account recently, the integrated forum/website signup is broken. You may need to create an account on the website.


I'll have the stuff reintegrated soon.

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Ah, that fixed it. I thought it was the same but I'm good now. Thanks :D

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