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Hello again!


In WOI weaponeditor is new option "lofted" .If I correct understand this option the Lindr2's Kh-15 missile may use this option. I set its value for 45 degrees, 80 degrees and 40000m max altitude. But when I fire this missile to the target from long range its trajectory wasnt that what I want and what i set.


Anybody try to understand this option an what limits it have???

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Try talking to the TMF guys testing the F-14B. Apparently, they got the loft feature of the Phoenix to work or something.

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I don't have the WoI, but past discussions hint to me this "loft" is for air-air missiles only, to extend range. If air-surface missiles can have a "loft," then a Skybolt might work on a large map, and this game would be an Awsim!

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And many of the roaming missiles too. It would be interesting to see the ALARM work as intended.

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The "Lofted" feature is used byTK for stock ARM's, e.g the AGM-78. Works for other weapons too, I use it for AIM-120's.

The trick is to get the Loft angle value right, it must be equal or lower to Seeker FOV or the missile has no chance to acquire the target once it turns active ( meaning the ArmingTime value in this case ). Depends on some other values too IIRC..

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Well, if C5 would let us know what numbers we need to tweak...:)


I'd love to fix my ALARM and Tacit Rainbow...hell, even the ALCMs and Popeye could benefit...

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It would be nice for Shrikes in WOV also.


In some area i've been as high as 30000ft in order to get the range without venturing close to some nasty defensive zones.

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The key as MJ says is not to use extreme angles and don't loft the missile too high.

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Crusader says FOV limits loft angle. So setup a radar unit with very long range detection/track/lock, no missiles -- just a radar emitting target -- set Skybolt seeker FOV very wide, so the loft can be very high. Then an even AI B-58 can "loft" a Skybolt hundreds of km right? That would be enough for me to get the WoI. :good:

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