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What About Free Code...

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SFP1 is a great sim with great bugs, I'm not saying anything new, and there is a new patch incoming to solve those bugs (I hope) which is taking long time to be released. I have read in this forum that there is only one person with the patch, and that's is insane.


Now think about the modders for this sim. They are legions and many of them very expert programmers. What about to free the source code?. Think about Falcon and SP3, EECH... these guys could make a great work with SFP1.

Why not?.

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Don't expect any code to be given up anytime soon. The SF code is being used for other things besides SF right now and TK isn't going to give up the code that easily. nope, everyone has to sit and wait for this mysterious patch (except for the testers of course, it works great for them,lol :P )

btw- The falcon code was leaked, not released on purpose.

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Yes, Falcon code was stolen, but I used it as example of what modders can do when they have he source code.


I only was dreaming...

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I have read in this forum that there is only one person with the patch, and that's is insane.

Insane. :blink:


Might want to read a little deeper. I just counted 56 testers who are working with the beta patch. B)


What you may have read was that one person (TK) is working almost alone to fix the bugs that are reported to him.

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everyone has to sit and wait for this mysterious patch (except for the testers of course, it works great for them,lol  )


How can you make that assumption? Who said it works great for the testers? If it "WORKED GREAT" for the testers, then why don't we have a patch? It's been indicated that there have been several Major bugs that have been defeated, but testing continues for a reason.




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Fates I was making a reference to some of the other posts on this subject where someone makes a complaint about an issue and then someone with the SP2 beta patch chimes in and says "Works great for me".

Nobody got it but me I guess, but I was poking fun at those types of responses.

I'm just a tad ticked off right now about this whole thing (obviously) and I'm getting tired of being told "soon".

Soon isn't good enough anymore. It's time to put up or shut up. release the patch and lets get on with it. :angry:


Typhoon wasn't even this bad.

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I see where your coming from, and yes this WAS a problem, but I'm pretty sure it's been nipped in the bud if ya know what I mean. If you find current events where this is happening please send me a link.


I'll inform TK of your request to put the patch out. ;)


I think we're all ready to fly a new sim online. I understand how you, myself, and everyone feels on the subject and I'm just resigned to help were I can till it comes out.






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