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Nuke sound effect

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What exactly is a good nuclear blast sound effect?   As far as read from some doumentary, when a nuclear bomb went off, it sounded like the whole world came to a halt and there was no sound as if all of our ears were dumb.  Then after a while, you hear the the explosion sound...what do you recklon?

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For me when I think of it, it sounds like a huge THUMP. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=YNlOtLhnsEE

That video displays a real nuclear explosion shot from a howitzer. It is about 15 kiloton yield, so about the same power as hiroshima. So that sound should give you an idea of what one sounds like. Very cool. Hope this helped.

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the sound work but you must a good aim and not too far


press ctrl 12 after a nuc and go near and you will see

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For me when I think of it, it sounds like a huge THUMP. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=YNlOtLhnsEE

That video displays a real nuclear explosion shot from a howitzer. It is about 15 kiloton yield, so about the same power as hiroshima. So that sound should give you an idea of what one sounds like. Very cool. Hope this helped.



I love that clip, scary idea that we could have faced something like it on the Cold War battlefields, or even fielded it, imagine if the wind turns around and blows back on us. I doubt that sound is from the blast though, 15 kiloton yield is too much to even think of detonating less than 15 miles away and that thump comes way closer than that in proximity to the flash, almost instantaneously.

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This biggest nuclear weapon the USA has now is about 1.2 megatons. Russia has the most modern ICBM to date, the TOPAL M, 550kt but can be fitted with a larger device. Can also be put into MIRVS. Dont forget the mighty SS-18 SATAN. 25 megaton missile!


And yeah thats actually about 15 kilotons (probably give or take a bit). Videos also cant really capture every aspect of such a thing perfectly.

Also 15 kilotons is not that large, its actually quite weak when your talking nukes.

Edited by tacoscent

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