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I read over the patch notes AFTER i installed it and realized it deleted the whole weapons folder. As well as the weapon data ini folder and editor that comes with the game. Will I need to install a new mod in order to get these back? How does this work?

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If you didnt back it up then you just need to download and reinstall it again

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That really makes no sense at all to me. So be specific please. Why would I need to back anything up, its a patch its supposed to fix things not f*** them up. So now I need to reinstall and not even install the patch this time?

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Right from the Knowledge Base:


It is a must that you install patches. Most of the time you will want to install up to and including the latest Patches / Service Packs.

The only exception to this is if you intend to run a Mod that only works with a previous Service Pack.


IMPORTANT: If you have modified your game back it up completely before installing any patches or Service Packs.

It’s likely that Patches and Service Packs will delete or replace some of your modded files.


When a major Service Pack is released it is often best practise to backup your existing game and then start again with a clean install. You can then drag and drop mods from your old game into this fresh install.


Please see the knowledgebase on how to back up your game (this can actually be done by making a COPY of the entire game folder – i.e. C:\program Files\Strike Fighters\)


Best answer: keep a "vanilla" copy of the game, i.e. one unmodified, and then copy it. Apply the patches FIRST, and then re-add your mods, this is as simple as dragging and dropping them into the new, patched install. Yes, patches will kill some mods, just reinstall them or drag n' drop from a prior install.

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That really makes no sense at all to me. So be specific please. Why would I need to back anything up, its a patch its supposed to fix things not f*** them up. So now I need to reinstall and not even install the patch this time?


Also, patches are made for the vanilla version of the game...NOT for a game that has been modded. Can you imagine the developer trying to keep up with the million plus mods that are out there that he has absolutely no QA control over?


Use the knowledge base. And readmes are there for a reason...to help keep guys out of trouble.



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Nice, detailed tutorial in the KB on how to do it correctly, too.

Suggested reading for all interestered parties. And some not-so-interested



kevin stein

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