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I have noticed a significant gap in this series and wondering if anyone else feels the same way


I noticed that while some (modded) campaigns for the TW series include basic infantry i have yet to come across infantry that are equiped with portable SAMs? (IGLA, Stinger etc). (BTW i have found the stinger site on this site but i am referring to portable SAMS)


It would be much more challenging to play a CAS mission knowing that the troops could fire back at you. If anyone knows where i can get this mod (if it exists) or if someone is building it, it would be much appreciated if you could let me know.



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Interestingly in WOI the CAS missions almost always have AAA near them now - particularly of the radar guided variety - I often notice and avoid 2 mobile AAA units near the tanks in campaigns - although I havnt looked to see if these are just strategically placed as AAA in the targets file.


Infantry objects have been placed in the game as "Tanks" so they move but I dont think there was a way to give them firing radars previously.


There are SA-7s, SA-9 and some other MANPADs out there because ive used them in previous installs and are in as MobileAAA.


I imediately stuck SA-7s in WOI - and they work well as MOBILEAAA - but I noticed (after being blown out of the sky) that fixed SAM sites like the SA-2 have an AAA unit right by the radar now - and the SA-7s were replacing them also - and in doing so making it easier for me so I just withdrew them.


maybe creating another type like MOBILESAM may be possible - but havnt got round to looking at that yet either.

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Thanks for the info


Just thought it would add a new dimension to CAS missions. having to plan each attack run more carefully just in case some soldier has a pop with a stinger LOL

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The average infantry platoon has no SAMs at their disposal...they have enough to carry already. :wink:

Edited by Gocad

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I suppose thats true


I was thinking more along the lines of mechanized infantry platoons. They have more often than not got some manpads at their disposal. Or SF?

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Thanks for the info


Just thought it would add a new dimension to CAS missions. having to plan each attack run more carefully just in case some soldier has a pop with a stinger LOL



Thats what i like about WOI - the CAS missions are totally different - the AAA is deadly at low level - and if you install an SA-7 etc you will randomly get those protecting the tanks also.


Also the taking out of SAM radars with cannon is also not advised :)

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I was thinking more along the lines of mechanized infantry platoons. They have more often than not got some manpads at their disposal.


Unlikely, since there's not that much place inside an APC or IFV. MANPADS are usually handled by air defence units, which might be assigned to operate along larger infantry formations.


Assigning an AAA machinegun to infantry units (in-game) would be far more realistic than giving them some light SAMs.

Edited by Gocad

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