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5 mins?I envy you! :kewlpics:

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nope 5 mins... that`s sure.. I just wanted to see how it looks in the right colour ... does Kesselbrut signed the Modders thread can`t find it!?

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well , when i got the old F-80 cockpit from old Korea Mod, it was just an A-4 pit with repainted artificial Horizon...

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Kesselbrut created that pit at my request. I'm OK with you releasing it, as long as KB agrees.

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Kesselbrut is not in the list.. that`s the thing.. I just want to release the pit for all T-33 lovers


Well, you have my blessing. Kesselbrut's a reasonable person, just make sure that you credit him in the readme.

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I first found it in A-Team's HF24 Marut. Blew me away it did. Big surprise.

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Is there any interest in releasing the orig F-80 pit?! It`s from Kesselbrut created by Fubars request.


@ Fubar do I have the ok to release the original F-80 pit?!

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I think this is a part of the plane or the seat, wich you now can see from the pilots position..



I think this is a part of the 3d model pit...

I was test this pit with other planes...

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