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TK:s Static planes

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Is there some way to decide which Aircrafts that will be placed on the airfield. Because a Finnish Draken in Nam don't feel right sure the year is correct but the finnish was never in nam as far as I know.

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as far as i know, the planes were randomly selected. by their service date. so if you fly a mission in 1972, a plane randomly will be selected wich was in service 1972. so it can be a lightning, F-104G etc...

for nam i have an extra install, where are only Nam-war aircrafts are in....

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This won't happen during campaigns, though. :wink:


Static aircraft won't spawn during campaign missions?? I thought there might be something weird with that. I got them working after the patch (in Single Mission) but I've been making a WOV campaign in the last few days and during testing I noticed no static aircraft were showing up. I thought maybe I mistook patching my WOV for WOE and needed to apply the patch to both, but I already have... Hmmm.

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Static aircraft won't spawn during campaign missions??


They do spawn, but only if they are stationed at the airbase there. So no Finnish Drakens on a South Vietnamese airbase...unless you're running a campaign that has Finnish Drakens based in South Vietnam. :wink:


Taken during a campaign mission:


Note that the static aircraft are not identified by type, but by the squadron they're assigned to.

Edited by Gocad

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