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Sea Vixen troubles

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Hi just downloaded the excellent Sea Vixen....having a spot of bother on take off keep ripping off the main gear anyone got any tips or hints....thanks

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I have seen this too, not sure with Vixen, possibly.


If the gear rip off just after liftoff, go into data file and up the gear allowed airspeed.

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If the gear rip off just after liftoff, go into data file and up the gear allowed airspeed.


I can't remember exactly but I think the gear limiting speed is correct but you have to use full flap on take-off rather than take-off flap. This is at least partially correct as for a carrier launch the Vixen used full flap, and I did all the testing off a carrier. Although it should be possible to take off from land with take-off flap and not rip the gear off, you have to be quick though as in real life. I'll have a check in game and get back to you. Possibly when I'm more sober.

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that happens with FM = hard ?

try FM= Normal and see if it goes away

that would mean that some of the collision points are in a wrong position and the kite collides withthe ground on rotation

normal FM skips that somewhat..

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