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Another problem has arised for me

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I can't fly any of the Mirage 2000(2000-5, 2000C and 2000D) outhere. If I try various things happens like going to outside view the game ctds with a warning that says:


Memory could not be read Press Ok to close the program.


And sometimes I can go to outside view but then the game crashed when I increase Throttle with

the same message i wrote above. and sometimes the game ctds without warning This happens with both Mirage 2000-5 and 2000C. When I try the 2000D everything works fine until I hit escape to finish the mission the game ctds. This are the only planes that do this thing. All other planes I have tested so far works fine. I could fly the Mirage 2000D before the patch.


I'm flying in a WoV/WoE merged enviroment

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I dunno, but maybe something video related -- ie..external view.


Just swinging blindly here...Poast the contents of a Textureset file in one of your -2000 skin folders.

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Resize their skins to 1024x1024

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Detta är från Mirage 2000-5









Mirage 2000C









Mirage 2000D


Name=Green/Grey Camo Wraparound






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I have resized the textures Mirage 2000-5 and 2000C still ctd the game 2000-5 crash the game when I throttle up and 2000C still crashes the game when going to outside view(F6).


The Mirage 2000D seems to work now

Edited by DarthRevan

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You said the 2000D worked before the new patch. For my shame, i had no time to test the patch, but could it be, the patch made changes to the Flightengine.ini? Have you ever changed it like described in the knowledge base?

Knowledge Base

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I have tested the Mirage 2000-5 and Mirage 2000C in WoI and they worked very well so it must be something in my WoE installation that doesn't like Mirage 2000-5 and 2000C. I'll try the flightengine.ini

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I reinstalled WoE and all the mods and now it seems like Mirage 2000-5 and 2000C works fine. Seems it was something in my WoE that didn't like the Mirages that is now gone

Edited by DarthRevan

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