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Post patch controls not working right

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Hi, guys. i am having a problem with the WOV and WOE installs. My controls is acting weird or not normal. My WOI install is working fine. Installed the patches and cannot map out the controls. Also, the default control has different assignments from before. For ex, autopilot key is now the navigational lights key, When I go to chg and hit accept, it still says A is for autopilot when it isnt playing the game. Also, weapons controls are screwed. Any time i map it out to my liking, it does not work. i tried vopying woi control to the other 2 installs and no go. Woi works though. Anyone else having prob? Is there a fix? thx

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Check in the Controls folder. Make sure the inis are not set to 'read only' in the attributes. That will cause your control changes to not save.



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RENAME the 'default.ini' in the /controls folder to something like "xDefault.ini", then go back into the game and reset the keystrokes


You're like the 97241st person to ask that so far!!! :haha:


Don't forget people: everytime one fo the 3rd Wire series gets patched, all you key stroke, graphics & sound setting and a host of other things get reset or twitterpated, making you go back and re-do them all.


I must say this again, an dswan, this is NOT point at you or any other single individual....but ALL the users!


This is the reason we always reccomend having MORE than one install of the game --- you SHOULD keep one absolutely plane jane, with NO MODS WHATSOEVER, and run all your patches in that one, then transfer over the new exe and dlls, cat files -including the terrain cats!!- to the Modded Installs. Of course, now, you'll probably have to delete and re-extract the data inis in the now outdated stock aircraft, but those are easy to pull with the extractor, and then just re-do you changes (like pilot figures and weapons pak thingys)


There's a nice tutorial on this very subject in the Knowledge Base, "Patching Made Simple" or something like that, that I can't seem to find at the moment...



kevin stein

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Hi, guys. i tried the advice above and the controls are still warped. tried renaming and the readme but no go. I just dont want to have to do a clean install over again as it is time consuming. the only orb I have is just the controls, everything else works fine. When i did the patches, I didwhat someone mentioned in knowledgebase which was to take the WOV and WOE app exe and copy into a empty folder and run the patch which shows all the folders and files. The I install manually. I have done this for each update released by TW with no probs. Just this one for some reason. Also, when I check the controls in the game, the autoplit tab is lsited as A all the time yet I have to change the other controls. Is there another way to fix? thx.

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I would like to add also, that when I executed the patch to a safe place folder with the WOV exe and WOE respectivley, Ilooked into the folder controls and put the new default ini into the modded controls folder and overwrote the old one. It just seems like it wont save the new mappings or wont let you map new controls. i realize the beneftis of a clean install but I have done this with every thirdwire patch and someone did mention this method in the knowledgebase.


I did find from the knowledge base so this is how i installed patches.:


Procedure 2

(Author: Spook 27)


I do this with SFP1/WoV and IL2FB/AEP/PF and LOMAC and FS9 - Make a Spare empty folder next to your Original Sim and name it accordingly eg: Wings Over Vietnam_Shunt and put into it a copy of your WoV.exe (or whatever else it is your are patching).


When you execute the patch direct the install to the spare empty folder. The patch will see the correct .exe and then create all subfolders and add the new files. You can then examine the files that are added and see where they all go. You are free to drag 'em individually across to the real sim folder and see what it is that the new files replace, giving you the choice of what to use.


It may be stating the obvious, but I would never let anything get directly at my highly modified Sims, all of which are many Gigs in size, too big to back up without another PC! As indicated this works for all of the above.

Edited by dsawan

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I too was having the same problem as dsawan. My controls were not as the default.ini was setup. For instance, the 'A' key was now lights instead of autopilot. Key 'B' was anything, instead of being wheel brakes.


I've got a clean install with the patch on the HD as a backup and it is ok, so either the patch process was fubar'd on this install or one of the add-ons jacked up something. Not really sure.


BTW, I tried checking that the README wasnt enabled, it didnt take anything.


So, a full weeks of installing mods is shot to hell.


Another BTW, this was WoE and the Sept 08 patch.

Edited by ST0RM

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Solved the problem. I went back and started adding over the added jets, effects, weapons, etc... and after moving over the stuff in the Objects folder, fired up the clean install. Well, the key problem was back.


Luckily I had only moved over a couple of files. Turns out that the AIRCRAFTOBJECT.ini was the culprit. Being that it was from 2006, the new patch didnt like it and it somehow was conflicting with the game.


So I deleted it and I'm back to flying without another week is reinstalling.



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I would like to add also, that when I executed the patch to a safe place folder with the WOV exe and WOE respectivley, Ilooked into the folder controls and put the new default ini into the modded controls folder and overwrote the old one. It just seems like it wont save the new mappings or wont let you map new controls. i realize the beneftis of a clean install but I have done this with every thirdwire patch and someone did mention this method in the knowledgebase.


I've said this before in another thread. Go to your 'safe place' and look at the update log. You'll find 3 files failed to update....because they weren't in your 'safe place'. These are CAT files. The ones in your install contain older files that didn't get updated with the new patch, and are causing the problems you are experiencing. Place copies of these three CAT files in your 'safe place' maintaining the proper folder trees to the CAT, and the unpatched .exe and run the patch again. then copy all these files back into your install overwriting what is there.

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Glad I remember where this thread was....just patched my 'all is everything' WoE install, and had the controls take s**t me too!!! With nearly 300 aircraft in that ONE install alone....

(wouldn't it be a terrible thing for a moderator to NOT find what he was looking for? :wink: )


Had just finished updating the data inis (for the fm changes for about 12-15 different Mig-17 and 19 variants = soon to be released), and applied the updated files from my 'clean' install, updated the bunyappak with the new weapons editor, and found I had the oddest combination of switchologies I've ever seen!!!!!


Yup, the old AircraftObject.ini was wacking things things out!


My personal thanks to Strom and Drdoyo for troubleshooting this... :good:



kevin stein

(one time expert diagnostician!)

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ya forgot me for originally posting this in a separate thread, he he. thanks to all involved !

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I will correct that IMEADEATLY - if not sooner!!!


BTW, guys, now added tothe KB, FAQs and Issues Forum.


I'll go fix that now...





kevin steni

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Glad we got it figured out.



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