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To the terrain guru's out there.


I have been building some terrains but have come across this problem (See screenshot). Any ideas on what would cause this border affect? I have dug thru the KB but didnt find anything.



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Can you convert that bmp to a jpg, please??? Takes up too much d/l time (yah, I'm lazy!!! :wink: )


It looks like a height map problem. Was that city area supposed to be 'flat'??? Like an airfield? That's just what it looks like, and unflattened airfield zone (seen that too many times!!!) Check the height data thingy in the data ini, as we've been discussing for the last week or so.



kevin stein

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Sorry about that on the pic. The city was left as is, the airfield was flattened.

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Which terrain do you use?

It seems to be the old blue ribbon problem.

Open file flightengine.ini and change the SceneClips into following lines













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Thanks Gepard!


I fly SFP1.

I am building an East Coast terrain.


BTW your work is most excellent.

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