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Is there anywhere to get the ThirdWire C-130A? The one in the Downloads section won't extract, its a bad Zip.


Can someone else upload it or does TK not want it given out?


I have the other C-130s but i would like to check out the TW one.

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1) sorry, no sharing of core game files is allowed.


2) have you looked in the objects.cat with the cat extractor? You might find it hiding in there... :wink:

(it may be missing skins, but those should be avialable somewhere...)


Which file in the d/l section? We/I'll check it out and if it's toast, we'll dump it. If it fixable, we'll try and fix it! :yes:



kevin stein

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Its the C-130A listed under addon aircraft, cold war aircraft, heavy bombers multi-engine aircraft. I understand the reasons it can't be hosted here, Maybe TK will release it like he did the F-104G.


EDIT: Found all the files except the Skin and Cockpit in the ObjectData.cat, got her installed and its pretty cool, Thanks Wrench!

Edited by WarlordATF

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Its the C-130A listed under addon aircraft, cold war aircraft, heavy bombers multi-engine aircraft. I understand the reasons it can't be hosted here, Maybe TK will release it like he did the F-104G.


EDIT: Found all the files except the Skin and Cockpit in the ObjectData.cat, got her installed and its pretty cool, Thanks Wrench!


you'll never find it


the c-130 in sfp1 was a ai only plane


and the archive in the download section worked fine for me

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I just used another C-130 Cockpit, But the C-130A i found in the Downloads section only had 1 file when i extracted it.

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You're speaking of the one uploaded by Doghouse??? The first one listed???


He done a VERY bad thing....uploading the stock aircraft with ALL the lods included. That is a definate voilation of site policy


I've deleted that file.



kevin stein

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