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What is been worked at the moment

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Here is it, straight from lead programmer's plan:



1) AI:

Aircraft: <-not much stuff here, but likely to be fiddly.

Bomb/Strafe Static or moving Targets


- mission completed/primary target is destroyed etc

- player issued the radio command "return to base"

- battle damage/specially fuel leaks or weapon systems gone(can't shoot/drop bombs)

Air 2 Air engagement (the basics are working)



follow path.

Confirm defence AI still works against bit rot


2) Mission System <- simple but lots of little stuff.

using lua.


a monitoring function driven from update(float dt) in main game code. (done)


hooks for

mission time, position of objects, velocity of objects.


able to spawn dynamically. (most likely works already, untested)

able to modify AI used in any object. (lua hook written (untested))


'Ground Controlled Interception' style verbal instruction.


3) Combat Simulation itself.

aircraft reaction to damage.

ships fight back, defensive maneuvering, sensors line of sight, ranges and limitations.


4) visual FX

Airburst explosions



5)fm/ai bug fixing

audit flight model - (I suspect my thrust mismatches air resistance)

audit AI - any changes to flight model probably requires changes to AI to compensate.


6)what would be nice:

i) improve load up times.

ii) make greater use of multi-threading.

iii) re-implement load on demand rather than load all at once with regards to terrain.



1) sea shader

2) shadows/self-shadowing?

3) enviroment/cubemap/bloom/sun glare


de Patta

1) moral encouragement whilst he has little to do until programming catches up to art

2) monitor development

3) help with testing of features, keep looking for bugs.

4) work with me on aquiring spanish accent english for voice

5) be thinking of a scenario that the mission is in...


demo mission: ..I know we will be attacking a ship. but what shall the ship be doing? what is its defences, state of sea harriers in area, what sort of allied, counter british forces will help? - jamming, decoy attacks.


are there any twists we can put into the mission to make it exciting?




time scale.

i hope to work through most if not all the above of my work by november 3rd.


i am going to be taking off from november 3rd 2 weeks holiday which i will use to polish the demo since all major features required for it will by then be working.


I expect that during this time a lot of effort will be applied to making the AI feel right so that it is challenging and that the missiles and things work appropriately.


Come middle of november - we should then be in a position where we can do a closed beta with interested people from the forums and show to the current interested publishers.


P.S.:memory footprint was high and removing either some terrain from terrain.cfg or some spawned objects enabled debug version to run.


Will tick these features off as I complete them.

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Thanx for the news; It's very exciting hear about this news advances.


Saludos! :good:

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  SkorpioN said:
Thanx for the news; It's very exciting hear about this news advances.


Saludos! :good:

Hi,Dante.Really awsome work you and your team are doing.

Do you think is possible at this point of development to know what flyables A/C we will have and the aproximate system requirements to run smooth the game?

(one you are using to do the in game videos for example)


Todo o apoio em seu projeto!

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Luiz Carlos,


Current system requirements are about the same to run IL2 Sturmovik series. It has less hardware requirements than, lets say, MS FSX or perhaps Lock On FC.

The system I use to test the game, note they are quite low for current gaming industry standards:

AMD 2.2 GHz


Nvidia GeForce 6600GT 128MB

MS Sidewinder 2 ForceFeedback joystick


Since there's a large market for Jet Thunder in Latin America due to the historical theme of the simulation, we'll try to keep the specs low and compatible with the reality of the latin american consumer.



  Luiz Carlos said:
Hi,Dante.Really awsome work you and your team are doing.

Do you think is possible at this point of development to know what flyables A/C we will have and the aproximate system requirements to run smooth the game?

(one you are using to do the in game videos for example)


Todo o apoio em seu projeto!

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  Dante-JT said:
Luiz Carlos,


Current system requirements are about the same to run IL2 Sturmovik series. It has less hardware requirements than, lets say, MS FSX or perhaps Lock On FC.

The system I use to test the game, note they are quite low for current gaming industry standards:

AMD 2.2 GHz


Nvidia GeForce 6600GT 128MB

MS Sidewinder 2 ForceFeedback joystick


Since there's a large market for Jet Thunder in Latin America due to the historical theme of the simulation, we'll try to keep the specs low and compatible with the reality of the latin american consumer.

Thank you very much for your reply.

It´s good news to know that the code is good enough to produce so good graphics in low system requirements.

Keep the good work!

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  Luiz Carlos said:
Thank you very much for your reply.

It´s good news to know that the code is good enough to produce so good graphics in low system requirements.

Keep the good work!


Obrigado pelo suporte, amigo! :)


(thanks for the support, buddy!)

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I second that, the graphics look great. Knowing that they run on a non-spec'd system is even more impressive. Hat's off to the engine and graphics guys :)



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Thanks for the update, it looks like it's really coming along! :)

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