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There was a TSR-2 being developed by Craig 'Typhoon Maker'.


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Craig has to attend a school here in the states so I expect it will be some time.

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dangit, I was looking foreward to that. Oh well. I'll just drown my sorrows with the F-101.

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With regard to new releases, things have been too good around here lately :clapping:


... but it would make a nice Christmas present :wink: !

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With regard to new releases, things have been too good around here lately :clapping:


... but it would make a nice Christmas present :wink: !


As I said Craig isn't going to be around to work on. I can't remember how long his school here in the states is. So you all are going to have to wait. Beside if everything goes well I will have something for you all later tonight. (After I get off duty)

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Beside if everything goes well I will have something for you all later tonight. (After I get off duty)


Woah Dave...does that mean you're giving the Borat swimsuit another airing tonite ? :biggrin::biggrin:


Anyway I expect that once Craig does get back he'll be busy with his new job and free time will be at a premium. I don't think Mrs. Bongodriver would be very impressed if he was slaving over his PC...she'll have first dibs so I'm afraid as Dave says the TSR-2 will just have to wait.


There's a lot to be said for patience you know.

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People dont seem to realize that modders DO have lives outside of this game. Oh well, someday they will learn there is such a thing as real life.

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