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Soviet pilot's story

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Hi all, i made a simple story for my project, the teacher says simple so it's simple LOL


NOTE: all characters and names in the story are pure fiction as well as the scenes and story, no offense for Americans, but it's the way it should be.peace


The Soviet Pilot


It was 5:29 in the morning when the airspace intrusion alert went on,I quickly jumped from my bed and ran straight directly to the locker room where my suite is, then my navigator followed. The people in the office where very tense, lots of phone call where coming from the Moscow Military District...i said to myself,this is no ordinary alert. The time was running out and i had to jump straight to the cockpit of the Foxhound, there was no time for the briefing room, the mission will be explained in the air. A Zil pulled up in the front of the locker room, and the driver said "Hurry up!" so i ran outside with my helmet dangling from my hands, and my navigator shouted "Sergei! letter for you!" so i ran back to the locker room and grabbed the envelope. we got into the Zil and started the 3 minute ride to my Foxhound, I looked outside and it was the only time where i realized that it was already winter...it was damn cold...i reached into my pocket for a pack of cigarette and i remembered my navigator handing me a letter, so instead of lighting up a cigarette, i opened up the letter..and it says..


"My Friend Sergei,



It's been a long time since we wrote to each other, I'm back from Washington and i've been handed a special mission by the Air Force, how's the Soviet Airforce going? I heard you're assigned to a new aircraft, man, i wish i knew what it looked liked! haha!, until then, take care!


Your friend,

Edward Luke "


Exactly after i finished reading the letter, we arrived at the Foxhound, i climbed into the cockpit and executed the starting procedures, the two engines were up ang growling, so it's time to go. I closed the canopy for both of us and started taxiing to the runway. "Blue 74 You're cleared for take off" the tower said, i engaged the throttles to full afterburners and the plane zoomed down the runway. Now we're up and flying...


I heard the radio being connected to the mission command, and suddenly a deep voice started talking in the radio..."Blue 74, this is mission cmdr.Viktor Okneleb of the Moscow Military District, you've been assigned to intercept an unknown aircraft over the mountains of Kamchatka, Intercept its flightpath which will be instructed by the tower, contact us upon visual of the target...over" and the transmission was back at the tower. The tower directed me to the flightpath of the aircraft which took us 40 minutes to reach...and over the hazy Kamchatka mountains, all i can see was a black dot on our 12 o'clock, i checked the radar and it showed a target as well.


As we close into the target, i contacted mission cmdr.Viktor " This is Blue 74, we have a visual of the target" and Viktor replied "Red 14 can you distinguish the craft?"...I grabbed my binoculars and saw this thin, black and long winged aircraft which i saw for the 1st time.


I replied back to Viktor "This is Blue 74, aircraft identification is a nega, over". The mission was an interception, so i executed the friend-or-foe transmission but after waiting for almost 30 seconds, no one replied..I gave him 2 warnings saying that he will be shot down if he doesn't cooperate,but still...no one responded. So it was clear that it was a foreign enemy craft. Tower instructed me to fire bullets into its path, so i did.


I saw the pilot go wild when he saw the tracers, but he did nothing agressive. The tower instructed me to slow down and maintain a distance of 5km from the aircraft, he told me to arm my Amos. At first, I hesitated, knowing that i would kill another man which i don't even know the name. But i have no choice but to follow, so i armed my Amos..I gave another warning...but the radio was dead silent,..but suddenly, Mission Cmndr Viktor ordered me to fire. My vision suddenly blurred and time seem to slow down, all i can see was the trigger in the control stick, tower keeps on saying "fire at will!" but my mind is stopping me from pressing the button, thinking of my family, i might loose the job if i let this one go...i made up my mind, I made a nod and pressed the trigger.


..I saw the contrail of my Amos heading towards the plane..


...7 seconds and then a bright fireball appeared to my 11 o'clock..


I gazed into the fireball wishing that the pilot ejected, but it seems like impossible.


The tower instructed me to return back to base.


And after 37 minutes of flight, we landed back to the 790th Interceptor Aviation Regiment Base in Khotilovo. I ejected the chutes and opened the canopies, and we head to the debreifing room. Viktor was seating in the bench, he was waiting for us..he shook our hands, i was smiling..but deep inside,i was not happy of what i did, this was my father's decision, he pushed me to the airforce, if i was on my own, i would be happy being a Veterinarian.


4 months past since the incident, friend Edward didn't write me anymore,maybe his mails were blocked by the airforce. It was a cold morning, just like when we took off for the interception. I grabbed a cup of hot coffee, opened up the TV and tuned in to the morning news, there, I saw Viktor in the front of the crowds " Good Morning Comrades! Well!, we at the Airforce are always doing our job to protect the skies of the motherland, last october 3, we shot down a U-2 spyplane, it is an aircraft of the USAF which is designed to peek at our Motherland, we recovered the crash, and we found the pilot! Another stupid American!, well well well, the Americans already released this information, so we are free to do so! we have the copy of the pilot's ID...luckily!(while laughing with the crowd)...Ewiard..Einjward,..stupid American names! i wonder where the hell did they get this! haha!(the crowd started laughing histerically), oh..thanks to my comrade who knows English!..it's Edward Luke!( the crowed danced in Happiness). The scenes from the incident flooded me back, tears come rushing down my eyes, i dropped my coffee in disbelief.....i just can't believe.....I killed my American Friend.

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Great story. Well written.



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You loadout is wrong: MiG-31BM can't use any R-40R missiles. MiG-31 loadout is only R-33 & R-40TD (R-40TD-1) & R-60 family.


You MiG-31BM can use P-77 family


MiG-31 only possible A-A loadouts:


1) 4 R-33 on fuselage and 4 R-60(M) on wings


2) 3 R-40TD(TD-1) + R-40 pod on fuselage and 4 R-60(M) on wings


Mig-31BM only possible A-A loadouts:


1) 4 R-33 or R-37 on fuselage and 4 R-77(M,P,T,T-PD,M-PD,P-PD) on wings


2) 4 R-33 or R-37 on fuselage and 2 R-33 or R-37 + 2 R-77(M,P,T,T-PD,M-PD,P-PD) on wings


3) 4 R-33 or R-37 on fuselage and 2 R-40TD-1 + 2 R-77(M,P,T,T-PD,M-PD,P-PD) on wings

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Great story. Well written.



In truth, aviators share more in common than we do differences.


Excellent story, but I am not sure the MiG-31 can cruise behind a U-2 at 80K. Those wings that give the MiG the MachMach speed at lower altitudes are not enough to create lift at 80K unless the MiG is approaching its Mach limit itself (I would guess around 2.5). The U-2, meanwhile is motoring along placidly at around 0.8 Mach.


Visual acquisition of the U-2 at altitude is virtually impossible. USAF flew U-2s together in their black livery and outside of 1/4 mile it was impossible to see the Dragon Lady. Has to do with the funny effects of black sky, pure undistorted bright light, and the Lady's elusive paint job.


I am, also, not sure if any missile can hit a U-2 at that altitude if the U-2 turns just a little bit. Think about the tiny wings on the missile and the density of the air at 80K and it doesn't fit unless the U-2 driver was asleep.


The Dragon Lady rules in her high environment and other jets enter only by chance with the maneuverability of a bullet. The U-2 has been flying since 1954 and never suffered an air-to-air loss. That is some 54 years of keeping an eye on the enemies of the US. Most nations do not know she has paid them a visit. She has been smacked by missiles, but that was before the inclusion of onboard ECM.


Once again, great ficticious story...

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In truth, aviators share more in common than we do differences.


Excellent story, but I am not sure the MiG-31 can cruise behind a U-2 at 80K. Those wings that give the MiG the MachMach speed at lower altitudes are not enough to create lift at 80K unless the MiG is approaching its Mach limit itself (I would guess around 2.5). The U-2, meanwhile is motoring along placidly at around 0.8 Mach.


Visual acquisition of the U-2 at altitude is virtually impossible. USAF flew U-2s together in their black livery and outside of 1/4 mile it was impossible to see the Dragon Lady. Has to do with the funny effects of black sky, pure undistorted bright light, and the Lady's elusive paint job.


I am, also, not sure if any missile can hit a U-2 at that altitude if the U-2 turns just a little bit. Think about the tiny wings on the missile and the density of the air at 80K and it doesn't fit unless the U-2 driver was asleep.


The Dragon Lady rules in her high environment and other jets enter only by chance with the maneuverability of a bullet. The U-2 has been flying since 1954 and never suffered an air-to-air loss. That is some 54 years of keeping an eye on the enemies of the US. Most nations do not know she has paid them a visit. She has been smacked by missiles, but that was before the inclusion of onboard ECM.


Once again, great ficticious story...


Thanks! and nice observation also...but still all-in-all those are fiction soo everything's impossible LOL, and i forgot to include, the U-2 was flying low and slow, so no problem for the Foxhound. Let's just say the U-2 pilot suffered a major heart attack upon seeing the Foxhound.LOL

Edited by razgriz31m

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