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Mr Mudd, Q Regarding Mission Editor...

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Hey MrMudd!


I really enjoy all your feedback here, I'm learning a LOT. I had a question regarding the mission builder in LOMAC.


Can you assign an AI flight a Wild Weasel mission? Since we won't have access to HARMS, I certainly HOPE this is possible.


Any info you can give would be greatly appreciated as usual! :D

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Good Q - how to deal with SAM systems.


Another issue in this sim: There aren't any dedicated jammer a/c. There are jammers on/in individual jets I understand, but no EA-6Bs or EF-111s.


How we are to deal with double-digit SAMs w/o a critical element in the SAM suppression system we've developed is a little bit beyond me.


Also, no TALDs, etc.


Those SAMs should eat us alive. What do they do? Dumb the SAMs down to balance out the scales?

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Guest MrMudd

I am not under NDA, and i am also not a Permenent part of the LOMAC Development team.


I have discussed things with LOMAC Devs. But It doesnt mean i know the modeling Build and implementation plan of the sim. These type of questions are best left up to MAtt and Carl.


Certain technical people in the community would like to see me be apart of this project. but it also leads to where there is a conflict of intrest "journalistic responsebilities Vs developmental.


I have to be careful in the realm i perform. And i respect the decisions made by UBISOFT. With the timeline available to them it is not of their best intrests to have me as a full fledged member. they have plenty of other Subject matter experts guiding them in the simulations design. my door has always been open to them. but in that "Confidence and trust" has to be maintained. Which means once info hits my ears, my mouth is zippered.


The devs do speak to me, and i at times have their ear. But they also follow these forums closely and listen to all of you.


As each subsequent build comes out, their is new features.


Please dont expect a 100 meg demo to indicate modeling in the full sim. the difference between Beta 10 and Beta 15 is about 150 Megs. the sim is still evolveing. My assumption is that Once Beta X becomes stable, it is then expanded-tested-fixed. and grows. Much like watering a fruit tree. if you do it right through the growing process you have Bountiful fruit at the end of the growing season.


I have Full trust in confidence in the developers building something i will enjoy. I also have faith in confidence on the core subject matter experts provideing the knowledgbase for them to implement.




Now their is SEAD capabilities in the sims. Their will be plenty of assets available to support the Human in the loop. I cant speak where UBI Has not publicly.

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Sounds good! About the SEAD possibilities.


Kinda blows me away how so much gets done in the end stages of the development of a game. I wonder why it is that there is apparently so little progress at first then there is a explosion of progress.

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