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I've maybey screwed something up when I exracted the cat file or the folder structure has changed between SFP1 and WOI.

I have no weapon folder, everything relating to weapons is in the objects folder, everything stock works no problem.

When I installed the Voodoo I ran into problems with the tanks and nukes.

I've installed the weapons folder that comes with the Voodoo into the objects folder and added the data entries with the new editor, after this failed I copied the data and lod files for the tanks into the weapons folder (rather than the tank folder within weapon folder) and also into the object folder along with all stock weapons, I have renumbered and saved the new entries corectly yet none of the meathods I've tried work.




PS. the 101 kicks ass, been looking forward to this one for years :biggrin:

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Are you using the correct editor?

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I had that too, in my WoE "all is everything" install.


IF you're useing the "old style"; the just dumped-into-the-weapons-folder kinda thing, the game won't see new weapons in folders. At least in the install (sp5, bunypak updated) I used.


Which means, of course, several dozen hours seperating the individual files (lods, bmps, ini - AND creating new inis where needed -and there's LOTS of them) into new folders.


Simple solutiion: just copy/paste the new tanks and nuke bits in with all the rest. That got it working for me.


Sorta like when the GroundObjects went to seperate folders -what was that? patch 3???? Lots of work, but a much cleaner looking install.



kevin stein

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using the 02.20.08 editor


so i need to copy the format of the weapons found in the F-101 pack:

Weapon folder - Tank folder - ini, lod, bmp?

for all weapons?


the thing that has me confused is that until I installed the F-101 I had no weapon folder, the objects folder is full of ini, lod and bmp files. Along with the aircraft ini files. I dont remember having to move everything manualy into a weapons folder with my old SFP1 install, so thought maybey I've missed a step somewhere installing the game itself?


btw thanks for the promt replies, had this same post in the mod discusion board for a couple of days now with no replies.



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for reasons that are frankly beyond me my weapons now show...havnt done anything new since the last time I tried and they wernt there... go figure lol

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