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I thought Veltro2K was workng on it.

i think it was C5 as Marcelo.

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Oh, how stupid I am, sorry.

No way sir, we're just speculating here... you should need an official confirmation. :good:

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i think it was C5 as Marcelo.


I know now that it is Veltro2K..... look a his WIP list. he says the C-17 it 40%

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I know now that it is Veltro2K..... look a his WIP list. he says the C-17 it 40%



more like 52 % now :wink:



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I thought you use lol90's 3D model...

Edited by Signum

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I think you use lol90's 3D model...


what is that supposed to mean ? :angry:

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what is that supposed to mean ? :angry:


Hm, nothing, but lol90 make 3D model I thought somebody use this model, but no you sorry.

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Hm, nothing, but lol90 make 3D model I thought somebody use this model, but no you sorry.


Sig I have been singing the help me song for months now..<<<<Just for mapping and painting>>>> except for a collaboration with a friend on the Bear..all models i am working on have been started from scratch by me and I cant tell you how many more would have been done by now

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Sig I have been singing the help me song for months now..<<<<Just for mapping and painting>>>> except for a collaboration with a friend on the Bear..all models i am working on have been started from scratch by me and I cant tell you how many more would have been done by now


Veltro for the record I have ZERO 3D skills so that is why I can't help you.








Jimmybib (knows how to map)


are a few people who have the knowledge you seek. I would ping them in a pm. All I can say and I mean this, keep up the good work though.

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Sig I have been singing the help me song for months now..<<<<Just for mapping and painting>>>> except for a collaboration with a friend on the Bear..all models i am working on have been started from scratch by me and I cant tell you how many more would have been done by now


I understand.

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I'd like to help too but I'm overloaded with my projects and real life. Hell, I'm trying to get a handle on clearing out my own stuff...


Too bad, cause I like your stuff.


One suggestion...and I've only recently started mapping this way, is I do a lot of my mapping BEFORE I start cutting out parts for things like doors, ailerons, flaps, etc. You don't have to worry about 'lining up' maps that way. It's a lot more work at the beginning, but saves aggravation later when you're moving vertices individually on the UVW mapping diagram trying to get the maps to line up. But you have to make sure the overall shape you have is final, otherwise, you'll get distortion if you start moving vertices around AFTER you've mapped.


Another option, if you've already cut out your parts, is lets say for a wing, is to make your small parts (spoilers, flaps, ailerons, etc) elements of the wing so it's one big mesh. Don't actually reconnect vertices, just use the Attach function. Then select the whole wing, Unwrap UVW, and then use the mapping function (I think its position mapping, or something like that...options include Box Mapping, Back/Forth, Top/Bottom, etc). You now have the whole thing mapped. Then, reselect the elements one at a time, go back to UVW mapping, and find the inner faces of each element (the inside of the ailerons that's not normally visible for instance) and move that map out of the way (NOT THE OUTER SKIN). Do that for all the elements...now you should have a smoothly aligned outer skins...and you can select the inner maps and move them where you need them, you can even perform other functions on those maps. Did I mention you shouldn't have to come out of 3DS Max once for all of this. The disadvantage is that you lose any hinge points and animations...but compared to the annoyance of trying to line up UV maps (I don't like the stitch function...too much distortion in some cases), it's much easier. And makes for some great maps that guys who are texturing for you appreciate.


Of course, once you've gotten the maps where you want, then Detach those elements back into separate parts and reset your pivot points and animations.



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Fast no Prob

I understand I also have to devide my time ,and the time dedicating to modeling is getting smaller each day >>>>>The white flag has now gone up.. <<<<<<< except for 2 of my projects that A few friends have agreed to help me with the skin ,I have come to the conclusion to finish up my models and start releasing them as beta's with a ( best that i can do simple skin and FM )...later I will release the templates ( blank, no lines,no skin ) so who ever wants can do it on their own time..

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