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DOSBox and joysticks

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I recently installed DOSBox. I have no problem with it, except when I start using the joystick.


If I use the joystick, whatever sim I use the plane pitches down and banks left. I can see this even in menus, because the mouse pointer tends to go in the upper left corner of the screen. Moving randomly the various axes, I can stop momentarily the movement towards the left part of the screen, but the pointer continues to go towards the upper part.


I tried checking the calibration, but everything seems ok. Since I use an X52, I also tried moving the slider and the rotating knobs, but nothing happened.


I tried editing the dosbox.conf, but I didn't find any option that could be of any help. And looking on the net I didn't found anybody with my problem.


I run the latest version of DOSBox on Windows XP SP3, and I never tried any older version nor any other OS, so I can't replicate the problem in different situations.


Do you know a way to fix my problems? Thanks in advance! :biggrin:

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What version of DOSBox are you running? I seem to recall having difficulty with the joystick in version 0.63, but I upgraded to 0.72 and it works fine; though I haven't gotten XP to SP3 yet, I'm still running SP2.

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Go to conf and try altering


can be true or false


Got that sticky stick with one setting but the problem was gone when I switched to the other.

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It doesn't work I still have that problem :sorry:

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just use the joystick than the DOSbox it's cool to use joystick because the common use in a plane is a joystick and me too I use it when I play or when I go to in the real sky.

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I think I found a way to resolve my problem...

The X52 may have more axis than those supported by DOSBox.


I need a program that makes a sort of "virtual joystick" where I can specify which axis I want to use, but I can't find such a program on the net (if it even exists :blink: ).


Does anybody know where can I find such a program? Thanks! :smile:

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I just tried D-Fend Reloaded. I think it's a really useful tool, it makes using DOSBox an hassle-free action! However, I still couldn't get the joystick to work in the right way :cray:


I also tried PPJoy, but it looks like it works only with parallel port joysticks, while I need a similar program for USB joysticks.

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Did you try physicaly unplugging the joystick and removing it from windows? Also remove the game and installed it over again. Basicaly try starting everything new.

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Yeah, I already tried that, it was in the readme.


I posted on the DOSBox forum, and I discovered that results may vary between games (Harrier Jump Jet works like a charm, F-15 Strike Eagle II has some minor control issues, Hind is unplayable at all). It's just a matter of trial-and-error in the joystick configuration.

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Hind for Win95 works fine under XP for me.

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