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For those who still fly SFP1 and SFG and want a new campaign...

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Well, apparently, a new patch is out for SFP1 and SFG. I likely will not be supporting the new patch with these campaigns for reasons being that the prop aircraft will not behave, and aircraft INIs would have to be updated.

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Not sure if anyone still cares but, I decided to give the Mercs, Drakens instead of Kfirs, as I found a merc skin for it. Sorry to dissapoint but my skinning skills are pathetic. On more possitive news, the Campaign, now called, Operation: Just Defence, now has a release date of literally, Two Weeks. :biggrin:

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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We should put Decoy dispensers to the MiG25. I got mine with those of F-15A


By the way, good idea the Kfir for Mercs. Tiger II would fit also




One last issue: was the J-10, or the Ariete MBT in service for 1994?


I think I can hear MiG-23MLDs screaming in their absence (MEEEEEEE-MEEEEEEEEE-MEEEEEEE!!!!!). I did a huge amount of work with the original SFG (pre-Oct 08 patch).

I was actually in the middle of tweaking the upgraded patch to the settings I had previously to the upgrade. If I was to go into detail

I'd need about ten pages. But I think it's a great idea. I had F-16s in the RDAF in 1986 (which I made into Desert Thunder 86), for example. Unfortunately, I'm sitting in front of my TV in the sitting room watching Steve Coogan's 'The Parole Officer' on DVD with about (I've lost count) seven cans of Guinness Draught in me.

Would love to help out on this bud. Will contact you sometime tomorrow when I'm less inebriated. :biggrin:

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Bad news. I accidentally deleted the wrong SFG install, and lost this campaign, and my 1950s campaign, along with the Dhimari F-16 and Mirage. However, It is now going to be better. I have changed some aircraft around as well. Dhimar is going to need your help, so, hope you know what to do.

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OH oh :blink: , well still waiting to see the campaign. Sounds like it should be an nice addition along with the others.

cheers :ok:

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Alright, got it fixed. And now the campaign is about 80% complete. Hint: MiG-29s with R-73s are your biggest threat. Even in an F/A-18.

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Great idea for a campaign! Looking forward, especially since I'm an "SFP1 only" guy as well.



Some Helicopter action would be great as well, like early Mi-24s and Mi-8s for Paran and ex-US Army UH-1s and AH-1s (or a Bo-105 (if there's one for SFP1) instead).


A cool feature would also be some of the parani aircraft still sporting their "first hand" colors. Like east german camo (if this is a early 90s conflict) on the MiG-21s (bis) and MiG-23s...



P.S: Make sure to include the "Desert Target Zones 1.1" mod as well - for more targets and SAMs.

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Alright, got it fixed. And now the campaign is about 80% complete. Hint: MiG-29s with R-73s are your biggest threat. Even in an F/A-18.


So you have gone back and added MiG-29s and F/A-18s?


Can you give a new run-down on the planeset?



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Royal Dhimar Air Force:









Dhimari Mercenary:

Mirage F.1C-200


Parani Air Force:










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Royal Dhimar Air Force:









Dhimari Mercenary:

Mirage F.1C-200


Parani Air Force:











I just had an idea. I remember reading about Libyan Mirage F.1s being flown by mercenary pilots years ago. Since this campaign is in 1994, why not have a token squadron of Iraqi Mirage F.1EQs flown on the Parani side from, say, P12 airfield on a variety of missions including anti-shipping with Exocet missiles, which is what they were used extensively in the Iran Iraq War for.

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Guest pfunkmusik



I have some questions about the Algerian sequence of events, and I don't want to offend you.



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Feel free, Pfunk! I really don't see how you can offend me, my friend.

As a french, and as a french that studied politics, internal relations and history, I listened (hey, those guys were making stuff exploding in the 90's in Paris!) and read about what was going on there. But I'm by no way an expert on Algerian history. I'll do my best to help you. :smile:

Edited by Emp_Palpatine

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