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Southside Bucky

Triplane schemes.

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Thanks for the early Baumer skin, Quack...It's a real doozy! :ok:


Can't wait for the Jasta 6, Hans Kirschstein! :wink:


I'll say it again...Keep 'em comin'!



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I hope the weathering isn't too much. I might have gone a little overboard. Seems a little too dark.

Be honest. I'd like to know. Glad you like it though.

By the way I forgot to make all the Jasta Boelcke skins w the white front cowl face. I made it on the Early Baumer skin though. I also fixed all of my Jasta 2's. If you want the fixed skins let me know. I could post a patch for all the Jasta 2 downloads in one file.

Working on a good Udet or Kirchstein is a hard one. But will do.

have a couple more 6's than 12's. And a couple of 11's. But not too many more to do :sorry:

No more good pics of Dr.1's. Oh well on to other aircraft I guess :biggrin: It's like Crack :crazy:

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Too dark? Nah...Looks good to me! :yes:


Y,know, I noticed the missing white face plate for the first time just last night, but didn't wanna start nit picking! A single file patch would definitely be the way to go, I reckon. :good:


Looking forward to the remaining Dr.I skins, but was wondering if you might do any Jasta 26? http://img.tripatlas.com:8080/media/images/Fordi.jpg


Good site this, BTW:





And you know about this one, right?




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I sure will do some J 26's

And I do use FokkerDr1.com for my references. It's a great site

Lost of info there.

I guess I should put up a patch for all my Jasta 2 Dr.1 skins. I did forget a major

detail there :umnik2:

Before the last game patch ( Nov ) I made some skins of Jasta 11 and 19.

Those skins have a permanent Transitional German marking of april 1918. Then

the new Patch had those markings added to the game. Kind of messed me up a bit. Now those skins only look right in March to June missions. I have to remove those markings so

the planes can use the game markings. Then I can use those skins all through 1918.

Kind of a step backwards. If anybody wants one of those skins I posted with no

markings let me know. I'll be glad to fix'em for you. I'll have to do it anyway.

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...Now those skins only look right in March to June missions. I have to remove those markings so the planes can use the game markings. Then I can use those skins all through 1918....




If historical accuracy is an issue, then only being able to use the Dr.I up until June would be about right. It was being withdrawn from frontline use at this time to make way for the Fokker D.VII.


That's not to say that it disappeared totally by then, but it seems only a few pilots who particularly favoured it (Jacobs & Raben for example) kept hold of theirs.


The exception was (I think) Jasta 14, which was the only unit to still be totally equipped with it beyond that time...Maybe up until mid August. Hence the thin, late war crosses on their Tripes.





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Thanks for the latest J6's, man. Particularly the most excellent Kirschtein skin...One of, if not THE best yet.


Any more from Jasta 6 on the Quack conveyor belt?

Edited by Southside Bucky

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Thks bucky. I definately value your opinion. I see that a lot of people downloaded Kirschstein pretty quick. That one was kind of hard. Lots of stripes overlaping different files.


I dont know of anymore Jasta 6's. Maybe one more.


I still have more comin! :good:

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You're right...Photo's of J6 Dr.I's are scarce.


In fact, the only one I can find with personal markings apart from those you've already done, is in this well known Jasta 6 line up photo (Scroll down to page 66):




From right to left, it's the fifth in line. There's a colour profile of it in the Windsock publication, 'Von Richthofen's Flying Circus', by Greg VanWyngarden, plate 9, page 25. The fuselage bands, which are of equal width, are depicted as white, black, white. It also had a black rudder. Serial number and pilot unknown.


Best I can come up with, I think. :dntknw:




Thanks for the kind words BTW.

Edited by Southside Bucky

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I think that one is in the three pack I submitted? Is that the one you are talking about?

Edited by quack74

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But I guess there aren't anymore Jasta 6's I could do.


If anyone has another picture let me know. I put up another Jasta 11 last night.

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Hi Quack.


Re: The new Jasta 11 skin.

May I ask, what references you used for this one? No criticism intended, 'cause as far as I'm concerned, no one can prove differently, but I think the red band under the cockpit might be questionable.


Nice as it looks, IMHO, that "band" is a little more likely to be a solid application of camouflage paint. Something like this:







Or this:



Just thought you might want an opinion?


Regardless, it's another winner! :yes:



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Hi guys,


I just want to say how much I appreciate the effort you both have put into this. With memories fading and only relatively scant resources to draw upon, this period has become alive again for some of us. At this point, I don't think it's possible to have a definitive definition of color, so perhaps a few different sets could be done.


I have fond memories of my grandfather, who was in the first tanks to operate on the battlefield at Cambrai. His vehicle ran into mechanical troubles, and stalled over enemy lines. He was taken prisoner, and spent the rest of the war as a POW. He told me stories about the food, mainly a soup consisting of "greasy water with carrots ". He never ate carrots again after he got back.



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Hi deep.


Nice of you, but the plaudits should all go to Quack74. His excellent Dr.I skins are a great contribution to the game.


Thanks for sharing the information about your grandfather...You must be very proud.


All the best.



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I guess your right about that red band there bucky. The first photo I havn't seen before. I saw the dark band in the Jasta 11 flight line in Windsock Data Files "Richthofen Circus" . It seemed to me at the time it was a dark color. I just assumed it was a red like Jasta 11 Dr.1's had. But now that I see the other photos I think I might have made a mistake there. An olive drab might be the way to go. You think I should change it? I know the rear stripes could be black as well but I went with the more colorfull red. Hope thats ok. I saw a profile of this aircraft where the fuselage was black. That didn't seem right to me.


Again thks for everyones kind words on my skins. I'm glad everyone likes them. It makes me want to do more.

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...An olive drab might be the way to go. You think I should change it? I know the rear stripes could be black as well but I went with the more colorfull red. Hope thats ok.



How 'bout doing an alternate version? :yes:


As for the red striping...Seems logical to me.

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Ok sounds good. I'll post another version rather than a patch. I'll let the users decide.

Thanks bucky. :good:

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Another great skin! Thanks for all your work on the Dr.1. :good:


Are you going to release all the skins in a single download? I'm pretty sure i have most of them but i might have missed a couple.


Once Again, Nice Job!

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Just some screens of my Jasta flight lines.

Jasta 11, Jasta Boelcke, Jasta 19, Jasta 14, and Jasta 6.

Using only the skins I made. Realistic? :dntknw: Maybe :good:


I'll post the other Jasta 19 skins I made that are in the screenshot. 5 new ones.

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Here's a couple more, Jasta 12 and Jasta 27. The Jasta 27 really is just Klimke. That was the only Jasta 27 I could find.

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Hi Quack.


Great stuff!...You've done so many now, and they all look so cool, I can't make up my mind which Jasta to use anymore! :dntknw:


Not sure if you've noticed already, but the Jasta 19 'No.3' seems to be missing from that download pack.


Another polite enquiry: :wink:

Sorry to put on you again, but what would be the chances of you doing some allied planes? I'm thinking, some Naval 10 Camels, maybe?:






Look nice, don't they?





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Hi Quack.


Just wanted to say thanks for your latest Tripe schemes...The Sopwith ones, that is. Very nice!...You certainly like a triplane, don't you? Am I right in thinking you've been buying a few of the Osprey books lately? :rolleyes:


I know I'm always on the cadge, but any chance you could do a few from 1 Naval Sqn? They're the rather sporty looking Tripes in overall PC10, with the large numbers on the fuselage instead of the roundel.


Here's a pic:




All the best.



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Most of the color pics I have of Naval1 show white wheels, white fins, and white lettering. Correct? I do have a bunch of Naval1's coming up. Takes some time because I have to create all the decals. But I'll get there :good: . I'll make all I have.

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Well, I think the wheels and fins might've been coloured according to flights, possibly 'A', red, 'B', white and 'C', Black. I've had a look in a few books but not been able to find any firm confirmation on it though. Not even in 'British Aviation Squadron Markings of WW1' by Les Rogers. And if it 'aint in there... :dntknw:


Incidentally, Don't want to come across all nitpicky, but No.4, serial No.N5377 should have the "4" repeated on the rear decking, roughly in line with the fuselage numeral. I haven't seen any other 1 Naval Tripes with numbers repeated on the decking though.





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Most of the 1RNAS pics I have pretty much have white wheels and fins and metal cowls. Only a couple with different colors. That pic you showed me in your last post, what color cowls and wheels did that squad have? Were they all olive cowls and wheels? Or are the red? Or blue? :blink::shok::fie::shout: But I cant stop!


The #4 1RNAS Tripe does have a 4 on the upper fuse. I didnt know how to get the decal up there. The skin template only has half of the fuselage. And it's divided right down the middle :dntknw: . I have an Idea, but it will take some time. I'll add it as a patch when I figure it out.

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