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B-66B Destroyer, 84th BS, Skin & Ini Update Pak

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B-66B Destroyer, 84th BS, Skin & Ini Update Pak

B-66B Destroyer Skin and Ini Update Pak for WoV, WoE, WoI Post 9/08 Patch


This is basically a re-decaling of Bunyap's B-66B "Destroyer" light jet bomber. It reuses the original skin bmps; no changes to them, and add new decals for 25 aircraft. The new decals are the "buzz" and serial numbers. The numbers ARE accurate, as they were used on B-66s, but I can only claim historical accuracy for a few.


This package is designed to REPLACE the existing 84th Bomb Squadron skin as supplied with the aircraft when first released.


Also included are 'modified' or updated main ini, as well as data, loadout, avionics and cockpit inis. They, too, are designed to replace the originals as originally issued


The cockpit is based off the F-4E, and is tweekified using Lexx_Luthors Stargetic Movement Method. The cockpit folder IS included, as the Phantom exists in all versions of the game, I feel this is in no way violating any EULA. The data ini has been updated with ECM/decoy enhancements (albeit not 100% correct, but close), and includes the fix for the bomb bay as seen on the CombatAce knowledge base. Gun aim angles have been adjusted to match the gunsight, and enhanced AI sections have been added in the hopes of improving your survivabillity (and the AI hitting the target). A landing light has also been added. Pilot figures are NOT included, but they are available at my site (link in my sig below).

=NOTE to SF/SFG users: you will most likely experience visual anamolies in the cockpit, as I've taken advantage to the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" coding included in the 9/08 patch, which was taken from First Eagles. You'll just have to live with it, unitl the SF/SFG patch arrives (whenever!). The same goes for those that have NOT patched WoV/WoE to the latest standard.


The loadout ini supplied is basicaly the same as issued; you should have no problems with it using either the Bunyap Weapons Pack, The Mirage Factory Weapons Pak, or no weapons pak. Be advised, however, you'll still need to add the drop tanks to the TMF pak or to a 'clean' weaponsdata ini (if using not a WepPak). I've suppled the tank, complete, in the new "folder style" format as used by TMF. Instructions for adding it, if you don't have it already, are supplied in the "Tank_B-66" folder. You should have no problems with it.


And just for fun, my old Hangar screen is suppled as well. The main ini is already set to use it. WoI users may want to use the original as supplied, as mine has the 'blackboard'', and dosen't fit the WoI style of captioning.


== You MUST have Bunyap's B-66B already installed to use this pak ==


As you can expect, there is a highly detailed, step-by-step readme enclosed. It's suggested you give it a REAL good read through. And the expected "General Notes and Nonesense" section.


Good Hunting!


kevin stein


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Wrench, missing the INIs in the file! Great skin though. Added: OK, I'm an idiot, found them in the other stuff folder. Disregard me, great job.

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I figgured naming the folder "xtra_stuff" would help!!


Glad you like it!!!



kevin stein

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Wow Thanks Wrench,


just updated my EB-66 marks and the RB-66C to your new cockpit. It's great!



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I just wish I coulda figured out that damn right side canopy rail removal....


I'd actually given some thought to updating the other 2 skins as well. All they really need are new serial and buzz number decals. I have the listing for all the production run, so it's just a matter of finding time to make them. The 25 if made is like 1/4 of the total production!

Of course, if you're lazy like me, you can always just drop the new ones into the other skin folders, and edit the decals ini (albeit the other 2 squadrons had different 'patches' on their noses...)


Glad you all are liking it!



kevin stein

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