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A Note and/or Comment to Our FM Gurus....

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Whilst stumbling around, trying to finish off the DBS and ANW rebuilds, I tripped over yet ANOTHER aircraft mod I hadn't finished....Yak-12-1 "Creek" (mod of the O1-E) While fiddling with the cockpit, itself a mod of Kess' Yak-3 pit, and btw the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" line works absolute wonders on this one!!, but I regress...


anyway, I was looking at the data ini, noticing it was an old one, and so extracted the latest, post 10/08 version. Comparing them side-by-side I couldn't help but notice a LOT of expanded modeling (what little I can under stand of such things, not being an aerodynamicist) for prop flight models.


This might be something for you Guru's to have a look at, and possible adapt for our myriad prop-jobs for us 2 1/2 dozen players of the WW2 stuff. It might also help it updating the Skyraiders that everyone loves so much


Just some random thoughts, rattling in the vast fullness of my brain..... :rofl:



kevin stein

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"for us 2 1/2 dozen players of the WW2 stuff" huh - I think less then that :yes: haha

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No, I disagree... my last count was 27.2 player (Dave being the .2, as he has the stuff, but don't play it)



kevin stein

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"for us 2 1/2 dozen players of the WW2 stuff" huh - I think less then that :yes: haha



1328 downloads and counting for Battle of Britain campaign pack, S! to all of those modders whose work is included :yes: :biggrin::good:


The interest is there, it's just that putting together a WW2 install can be a bit of a job of work, these days. And whilst the recent flight engine upgrade has left a lot of our existing WW2 birds a bit "squirly" with their current FMs, it seems that TK has put all the building blocks in place to make the Thirdwire engine the best prop FM engine around, bar none.


All we need is an FM guru with an interest to lock himself in an attic for 6 months and update all the WW2 birds to the current standard :rolleyes:


If only I had an attic :blink:

Or six months to spare :blink::blink:

Or the remotest understanding of how to build a flight model :blink::blink::blink:

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