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P-26 Peashooter, Chinese Air Force

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P-26 Peashooter, Chinese Air Force

P-26 Peashooter, Chinese Air Force, mod for SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs

== For Pre-Patch (9/08-10/08) Installs -ONLY!!! ==


This is a slight rebuild, in a major sense, of Bunyap's P-26 Peashooter, as used by the Chinese Air Force in the late 1930s. It is a complete aircraft mod, with all the bits needed to just unzip, install and fly away.


It is a 'nation-specific' aircraft, and will not conflict with any other versions of P-26 you may have in your game installs.


There are 2 version of the data ini included with this; one (called ori-P-26A_DATA.ini) is the original as issued (with my lighting modifications as seen in a few other Peashooter mods). The other, set to use right now, has had it's FM parameters 'adjusted' to something that seems a LOT closer to how the aircraft should be (More in the "Notes" section below). Lighting is the same for both.


Brand new, "only-available-in-this-mod" nation specific Hangar and Loading screens are included.


A new 'natural metal' skin, based on Bunyap's templates, and new ID number decals for 18 aircraft are also included. The cockpit, created by CA_Stary is included. The only mod to his pit is a I added my 'ring-and-bead' gunsight (nestled quite comfortably inside the telescope tube).


Full, detailed instructions are below in the "To Installate" section. Along with the usual notes, comments and general foolishness....



- This mod is designed to work ONLY in pre/unpatched installs -those that pre-date the 9/08 & 10/08 units. If you install this mod to a post-patched game install, you do so at your own risk. Prop Flight Models are still a little "iffy" Post-Patch, and it is NOT reccomended you use this as such. -


As you'd expect, there's a fully detailed readme enclosed with all the necessary instructions for installing and so forth.


Good Hunting!


Kevin stein


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Nice small Boeing for 27.2 WWII (or earlyer) fans :yes: :dirol: :smile:

Edited by starfighter2

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Probably one of, if not THE smallest, aircraft Boeing's ever made!!



kevin stein

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