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Hello All,


When I add AC in WOV, I always change the start date to 1964 in the AC's data.ini. When I start playing a single mission with a friendly AC, the game seems to pick stock bad guy AC (most of the time, not always). When I play as a bad guy (say a Mig-23 add-on), I wind up getting toasted because everything from a Mig-15 to a F-22 is after me, don't forget the F-18F, F-35, etc. I guess I'm trying to nail down any parameters other than the AC service dates that might affect this. I have changed the options.ini date for the single mission to 2020. I only have 3 or 4 add-on Russian AC and would like to see them more. Sometimes when I set the mission date past 1973 I get the mission accomplished msg right away and there are no bad guys anywhere. Any thoughts. Thanks.



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How rare or how common an aircraft is has alot to do with how often somthing will apear.that is definened in the data.ini.Also In WOV i think most stock aircraft have end dates set to end with the end of the Vietnam war.If you use a third party plane after that time none of the stock baddies will show.

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One thing you should Never, EVER touch, are the service dates in the aircraft's data ini. They reflect the actual, Real World ™ active time frame of the aircraft in question. Anyone that says different, is purely full of it.


The problem, expecially with WoV, is the start and end dates of the game itself. And they'll need adjusting.


I don't suppose you've looked in the Knowledge Base for the "How to Change the Beginning and Ending of Time" post??

If not, you'll find it at the link below:




That should fix you right up.



kevin stein

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Hello Whiteknight and Wrench,


Thanks for the replies. Using those bold large letters really hurts my feelings . . . boo hoo hoo boo hoo hoo hoo hoo (I'm being sarcastic). I'm just thinking of the people who cry about all CAPS shouting at them. . .it's TEXT, get over it. Sorry, I'm wandering off topic. No Wrench, (head down lookin at my feet) I did not look in the knowledge base, but it figures there is a very specific topic since I didn't. I have read some of the other posts on date issues though. The single mission.ini is probably the problem. In my defense, I don't mess with the stock AC since IMHO it would ruin the sim since it only covers from '64 to '73. But for add-on AC, so what, adding a F-15E already crosses that line and it won't affect the campaign . . . I think. My main point with the post was when I fly USA AC the program will use one of the SU-? as an adversary but not the other two (all Russian birds with the same dates) which makes no sense to me. So long.



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Don't feel bad...I yell at EVERYBODY, so you're in good company. :wink:


In single missions, the game WILL generate random aircraft, from (basically) whenever they were available. This is usually because the "Exported=" line in the various and sundy Migs/Sus, etc ***_data.ini is set the TRUE. Which mean it's very likely to encounter anything from MiG-15 to Su-27s (well, depending on their incept dates of course) with the random, game generated missions.


The only Real and True Ways © to avoid this are:


1) create nation specifc aircraft for the varying models. With NO exportatio -- very difficult, given the proclivity of exported MiGs (or other nation built versions/users -PRC, Paki, Poland, Czech, etc, etc, and of course, etc). And even this is no garuntee (sp?)

2) create 'user built' mission that ONLY specify certain makes and models


at least, to the best of my knowledge.



kevin stein

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I'm wondering now if the AC's primary mission has anything to do with it's selection for a single mission (intercept bird for CAP). Anyway, I checked the singlemission.ini and had no date info whatsoever, just the second group for targets. Also, on a side note, I was flying Dave's Libyan Mig-25 and had French markings on it instead of green so I went to the nations.ini and changed the active date and this corrected the markings and hoped I could do this for the Russian birds to get them to show but no effect. Thanks.



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