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Keyboard control problem

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When I started WOE today with the october patch installed I noticed something strange. First the game responds and loads slower than ever, and once past the loading screen the controls I set for the game are not what I set them as. For example when I press the Y key to see the friendly aircraft it targets the enemy aircraft, also when I press S to deploy the Airbrake it cycles through the Nav lights. I have no idea why this is, Any ideas? Thanks Alot.

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When I started WOE today with the october patch installed I noticed something strange. First the game responds and loads slower than ever, and once past the loading screen the controls I set for the game are not what I set them as. For example when I press the Y key to see the friendly aircraft it targets the enemy aircraft, also when I press S to deploy the Airbrake it cycles through the Nav lights. I have no idea why this is, Any ideas? Thanks Alot.


My load times are a lot longer too. I think that's just the price we pay for better AI and game performance.


Did you copy your control file from an older version? I think a lot of people have had problems doing that, since there are some new commands implemented.

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look in you main /objects folder, see if the "AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI" is sitting in there.

If so, delete it.



kevin stein

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