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This was in my thread, but I am posting it here too.



I have been toying with making the specific country weapons work on aircraft that would require them. Problem is, even when I hand edit the weapondata.ini with for instance attachmentType=WP I would not want the Russians having old US weapons in their planes, so I went in and made it AttachmentType=IRAN They still would not show in the weapon list for my F-14(IAF) or my IRF-5A. They both have IRAN for their attachmenttypes too. Is it even needed to have the IRAN,IRAQ,NETH,CAN,AUS weapons if they do not even show up on any aircraft at all? What am I missing?





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I've had more success with "WP" than country specific, or ones that aren't "listed" in the Weapons Editor. I think the game engine recognizes them more.

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But with that, all of your soviet aircraft would have IRAN_Aim-7Es, I tried that with some agressors work I was testing out. I gave them training weapons, and such. The game seems to really boil down to a 2 sided match, Blue, and Red. Or, USA and Soviet stuff. I notice there are different attachmenttypes for countries like Argentina, China and such. You would figure TK would update that part of the editor to reflect some of the other countries that are on the US Poop list.




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I would agree but then again it just probably saves on time and programming to just allow a Brazilian AMX have the capability to carry equipment made by the US.

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Thanks for the input EricJ. I see you like the Navy jets too.


Would be nice to have though. Kinda puts a few kinks in some of my brainstormings of the weaponpack I am making.




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Yeah but sometimes you can get creative, almost "what if" as I use the KAB-500kr (GBU-15ski, roughly), and the KAB-500S (JDAMski) every so often to break the monotony. I just wish Erwin_Hans would fix his Supa Bug model so it looks better, but that's just me..


As for Navy Jets? yeah they've always had some kind of allure over me, just seems cooler than most..

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I had this problem, I think to decide it very simply, all country specific weapon must have option EXPORTED=FALSE.

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