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Jane's USAF on XP

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Hey, no doubt 14 of you will tell me you already knew it and 4 of you will argue that it is not possible...so whatever...I just dusted off my seemingly ancient copy of Jane's USAF...and it works! Am using XP SP2 with all of the most recent updates and the USAF patch to version 1.02F (which, among other things fixes the stuck at 800x600 apparently). Am NOT messing with any compatibility mode or any of the "work arounds"...maybe windows lackeys fixed something in one of the recent updates, I really do not know...makes me wonder if some other games are golden withOUT DOSbox or whatever.


>>> NOTE: I am NOT in any way saying that it will now work on your particular machine...just saying that if you are like me and deleted this very fine game years ago due to its XP issues, now may be the chance to bring it out again. Did NOT do any mods...just inserted the CD, installed, patched to 1.02F, and enjoyed some tasty goodness


>>> You are on your own if the above procedure does not work for you.


>>> I did NOT use admin-whatever or any of the other mods...just a straight install


>>> Why bother? Well, USAF actually had something called GCI...and though the graphics cannot compare to 3dwire...maybe consider it some nostalgia?



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well I must sadly report that it did not work for me.

Guess I'll stick to sf woe woi and fe for now

and the occasional fore into ww2 fighters


well I must sadly report that it did not work for me.

Guess I'll stick to sf woe woi and fe for now

and the occasional fore into ww2 fighters

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just curious...are you certain that you updated everything? think the secret is in one of the updates and I know I am usually bad about not accepting windows updates

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Ok, I tried installing this a while back, and it wouldnt run, but this thread got me all curious. AGAIN. Well, I was quite surprised this time when it actually ran! Only one slight problem, it seems if I linger on any menu screen, it tends to lock up my computer completely. That I can work on, hopefully with some help here.

Heres the kicker, the reason it ran, I think, is that yesterday, I uninstalled service pack 3 from my comp because hyperlobby quit working along with my windows installer service and a few other things. Not exactly sure what it was about SP3,but all circumstantial evidence points to it.

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GCI as in Ground Controlled Intercepts, right? I vaguely recall having some vectors, but was it scripted or dynamic?


I remember spending hours playing USAF. Both on and offline. Plus the various mods.


Good luck Sparko.



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- AWACS is dynamic in game (at least it seems so...bad guys are where they indicate)


- SP3 ? Hmmm...I do not use that...

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no got all update accept for sp3


may try it in a year then most of the bugs will be gone

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Until this forum, I wasn't aware there are folks out there not able to run Janes USAF with the updated 1.02F patch on XP. I assumed everyone didn't have much problem. I just realised maybe I got lucky.


4 years ago I bought a Toshiba notebook (now spoilt) that came with XP Professional SP2. Installed USAF with 1.02F patch and had not serious problem running it except the RWR function in 2D cockpit was screwed. That forced me to fly 3D cockpit most of the time until I found a patch that fixes the 2D RWR but ended up screwing the 3D RWR a bit. But by then I got used to flying the 3D cockpit. Apart from that I remember occasional hang on the main menu. Another feature that didn't work in XP was the UME mission planner.


But ever since I bought SFG more than 2 years ago, I stopped playing USAF.

Edited by WLJet

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dont know...just now found out this somewhat worked again...there are of course quite a few add-ons etc for USAF...adding a new plane is possible but a bit laborious...good stuff at McFly Aviation

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Found a forum that discussed about installing Janes USAF in Windows XP x64:



SimHQ's relook at the community mods for USAF:

Out of the Mothballs: Jane’s USAF Revisited http://www.simhq.com/_air8/air_278a.html


It was a similar 2nd look article like the above at SimHQ on SFP1 that got me excited enough to purchase SFG.


The mods described in the article (Super Pro, MiniPro, COWAR, USAF Pure) can be found at this site:


But it seems it's no longer free. A download pass has to be purchased for download.

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Gulf Knight's site has everything needed for Jane's USAF

i can't blame him for charging, much like here the bandwidth issue is a problem

and he used to pay everything on his own back in the old days (i'm still registered there i believe) when i used to post there



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there is, or atleast used to be a torrent for super pro 9.4

charging to use the website, like on gulf knight's is a thing i respect, i had bought a 5 day pass at the beginning of the year and downloaded all i could in those few days.


i still have everything laying around somewhere on a harddrive, but never seemed to get USAF working properly yet on this machine. so ive stuck with the TW sims.

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