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Calling Wrench

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I installed SF Project 1 from the CD (one of the first when it hit the shelves), I've added patches SFP1_sp1, sfp1_sp2a, sfp1_sp3a, SFP1_p31, SFP1_p32. Everything working fine. I'm trying to figure out how to insatll the weapons edditor, so I can add drop tanks and missiles from those talented people that make SF a great game.


Could you give me step by step instructions. I'm a Ret. TSgt, need all the help I can get.

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The weapons editor itself is in the downloads section, under SF/WOx downloads\utilities and editors. I think it's on the 5th or 6th page. However, I suggest downloading a weapons pack, like the Mirage Factory's or the gigantic Bunyap Pack. they're under SF/WOx downloads\Weapons mods/skins. The Bunyap pack comes with the weapon and gun editors.


I too bought SFP1 new on CD, but my copy was the last one in town. It was a great deal for $20! :biggrin:

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I've added Bunyaps pack and it crashed the game on startup. I'll try the other place. I don't need everything, at least i hope not. Thanks!


Looks like the mirage factory weapons pack is only for Wings over Isrial

Edited by delta6

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hmm... bunyap pack causing game crash... that's exactly what happens to me, but it's because I'm using a painfully slow computer and the hard drive overload of the bunyap pack is just too much... In the other thread I'm trying to figure out how to add weapons without a weapon pack to get around that problem.

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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Delta, if you're patched up to the most current level (ie: 10/08), you'll need to run the bunypak THROUGH the new weapons editor (the 2/08? 4/08?? version)


anyway, this is the link:




Now, step by step:


install the game, patch to the most current level


unzip the bunypak (or any other WepPak) to a temp folder somewhere that's easy to find


NEVER unzip stuff directly into your game install. It's real quick and easy way to f*** everything up. I don't give a hoot who's stuff it is...it's safer in the long run to unzip or run the exe to a temp folder. It may take a few more minutes to manually move things around but -SAFTEY FIRST!!! :biggrin:


Ok, now that we've move the bunypak into a new /Weapons sub-folder in your main /Objects folder -you may need to create it, but no biggie.

What I do is create yet another folder in ALL my game installs, called "Weapons_Editors", and put the weapons and gun editors DIRECTLY into each of them. So, when you open it, you don't have to browse to the install you're working on.


You'll still have to set the "compatibility mode" for the 2 editors;

right click on the exe, you'll see Properties at the bottom; click on that.

You'll see a bunch of tabs at the top of the next 'page', one of the is "Compatibility" click on that to open it.

It'll look like this:




You'll notice this is set for Win98; it also works for win95 if it's still available (don't know if you're on Vista or XP - mine is XP)

Click the "APPLY" button, and you're all set.


Then, open the weaponsdata.ini for the bunypak and just click on anything, just to get to the next screen. Click "OK", then click SAVE --never use the SAVE AS button!!!!. This will rebuild the ENTIRE weapons pak to the latest standard. Now, mind you, 98.6% ™ of these weapons need complete overhauls (a lot of the small paramters need upgrading), but now it'll work at least.


Then, your work really begins....as you'll have to extract from the objects cat the data and loadout inis for every single one of the stock aircraft and put them into their respective folders. Then you can make the edits as shown in my "Bunyap Pak Weapons and Loadout Fixes Thread" in the knowledge base.


you can go through the weaponsdata ini, with the editor and rename ALL the Soviet/WarPac weapons BACK to their NATO designations and attachment types (but I'd keep them WP & Soviet)

ie: R-3S returns to AA-2 and etc.

this is mostly for missiles; the bombs and such pretty much retain the same names (RBK-250, FAB-500, etc)


Either way, there's a LOT of work involved.



kevin stein


gwar: you ARE evil!!! :diablo:

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Thanks Wrench, I'll give it a go. BTW, I've tried to add later patches to SF, but it crashes the game. Very finiky I would say. Thanks for the support. Are you still AFRES? If so, where may I ask?

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