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Mirage 2000 N Droptanks

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Here's the story


I'm reworking on the Amokfloo's Mirage 2000-D to make it fly as a Mirage 2000-N (with ASMP nuclear missile) and I got an issue.

I'd like to use the droptanks of the M2000-D, what I did is:

-repainted them

-renamed them ( M2KNWing.bmp and M2KNWing.LOD instead of M2KWing.bmp and M2KWing.LOD)

-added the new line in the weapon data/weapon editor

-replaced the line in the Loadout / Data.ini of my new Mirage 2000-N


The problem is that the game still loads the Mirage 2000-D tanks, or loads the good droptanks but leaves them invisible (apparently not loading the skin)

The only working solution I found, is to overwrite the skin of the Mirage 2000-D's droptanks .. but that's obviously not THE solution.


So my question is: Does the original M2KWing.LOD file only support the M2KWing.bmp so it needs to be modified somewhere I can't access ?


Thanx for your help

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I want to say yes, the .lod file looks for the file, but the only route I'm sure is a hex editor, which will show you the location of the .bmp file. Rename it and it may work.

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Yup, you'll need a hex editor to 'find' and then 'replace' the OLD skin bmp name with the NEW skin bmp name.


How do you think we got 30 or 40 different kinds of drop tanks for Zippers and Phantoms??? Or all the differing pilots?




meaning: if the skin is named M2000E.bmp and you want it for the N, use

M2000N.bmp -- and it keeps the same number of characters.


Using your naming conventions, after any repainting of the M2000's tank, save as




this would be the 'name' to use when hexediting the M2NWing.lod.

Don't forget the ini for the new tank as well. You'll need to change the names inside to point to the correct lod, and don't forget to name THE SAME as the tanks name (M2NWing.ini)


If you go beyond the existing number of characters (in this case 11 spots), it'll cause the game crash, as you fouled up the lod.



kevin stein

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Thanks for you help guys


But I probably missed a step because it doesn't work that well. My droptanks do appear but they remain white.

( The lines have been also modified in the weapondata.ini, loadout.ini, and Mirage2000N_Data.ini )


Here's the detail of the HexEditing, comparing M2KWing.LOD and M2NWing.LOD :





I didn't have any .ini file for the M2KWing droptank to drop in the Weapons folder, so I created one called M2NWing.ini as Wrench said .. but it still doesn't work. :dntknw:



If you guys have a clue, you'll be welcome.

Edited by fougamagister

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Ok guys, I fixed it, I'll post some screenshots soon and I'll upload the whole aircraft (if Amokfloo is ok )

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