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Problems placing targets in WOE

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Let me start by saying I have almost no target placement experience. I added a carrier station to WOE, but was disappointed that enemy aircraft could jump me on final with no opposition from friendly ships. So I downloaded the Bristol destroyer from the downloads section and followed the instructions to install it. I then changed my carrier station in the targets.ini so it looks like this:



Name=Echo Station


























However, I'm using the HUD debug feature and flying all over the place, and I can't find any of the destroyers. Is there something I'm doing wrong?




PS - I placed the destroyer in a single mission and it showed up fine and engaged air targets...


PPSS - also what does 'location=' do? What's the significance of that number?

Edited by malibu43

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Guest pfunkmusik

OK, I see 'Bristol' as your target entry.


Lemme ask you something. Is this 'Bristol' entered into your target_types.ini file?



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OK, I see 'Bristol' as your target entry.


Lemme ask you something. Is this 'Bristol' entered into your target_types.ini file?




No, but I thought you didn't have to enter it into the types.ini if it is in the ground objects folder. Is this not correct?

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OK, I see 'Bristol' as your target entry.


Lemme ask you something. Is this 'Bristol' entered into your target_types.ini file?




Yep. You were right. Added them to the types.ini did the trick. However, I know have another question about the carrier stations. Does anyone know how far from the center point of the carrier station the carrier will travel?


I placed the excorts around the perimeter of the carrier station, and when the mission started, the carrier was perfectly centered in them. However, when I returned to the carrier, the escorts were nowehere to ber seen. So obviously the carrier travels well beyond the "radiu=5000" specified in the targets.ini.


The other option would be to place the destroyers radiating out from the carrier station up to some greater distance, but then I run the risk of the carrier colliding with one during a mission, and that's what I was trying to avoid in the first place by placing them around the edge of the carrier station.




*edit* - I guess the other option would be to equip the carrier with some SAM's. I'll search the d/l section...

Edited by malibu43

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You obviously positioned them with campaigns in mind.


You do know the escorts will more or less maintain formation with the carrier in a single mission, right? And, SAM equipped escorts will engage enemy aircraft out to a range of 30-50 miles, depending on the missile type. Also, the WoV CVA-63 can be equipped with terriers, though they won't align themselves perfectly to the launch rails.




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You obviously positioned them with campaigns in mind.


You do know the escorts will more or less maintain formation with the carrier in a single mission, right? And, SAM equipped escorts will engage enemy aircraft out to a range of 30-50 miles, depending on the missile type. Also, the WoV CVA-63 can be equipped with terriers, though they won't align themselves perfectly to the launch rails.





Yeah, I'm aware you can get them to stay in formation in single missions. I'm trying to get something that will work in campaigns, though.


Anyway, this is the 1979 campaign, so I just downloaded DO's Truman, which has some self defense missiles. I don't know yet how effective they are...

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I went into total awe over this video!Brings me to ask,why I can't get a grasp on how you all do this? :blush: Holy cow I'm missing out!Sorry for hijacking thread malibu43....got to study harder.What you all are doing blows my mind.

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PPSS - also what does 'location=' do? What's the significance of that number?



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Ah... that makes some sense now... kinda. But does it actually affect anything in the game, or is it there for reference only? I mean, if I place targets in belgium, but put location=1, they're still in Belgium.

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Ah... that makes some sense now... kinda. But does it actually affect anything in the game, or is it there for reference only? I mean, if I place targets in belgium, but put location=1, they're still in Belgium.


AFAIK this is only for reference and used for the campaign splash screen. Should you add a carrier station to the GermanyCE terrain then I would recommend to add another entry to the GermanyCE_NATIONS...Location013=North Sea.

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AFAIK this is only for reference and used for the campaign splash screen. Should you add a carrier station to the GermanyCE terrain then I would recommend to add another entry to the GermanyCE_NATIONS...Location013=North Sea.


Ahh... I've noticed before that in the campaign start screen for my USN campaigns, it says I'm stationed in Belgium. Got it now...

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