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Questions re. Pasko's mods

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I'm loving the Bear (not in a literal sense, you understand) and looking forward to the MiG 21 Bis, and wanted some clarification on future plans if possible.


Are you going to be selling through the website, and/or is it going to be updated as a lot of the links are down. Is the WIP list on the website still valid or do you have some changes that you can tell us about?


Thanks for your work so far, and looking forward to your future output, be it freeware or payware.

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I'm loving the Bear (not in a literal sense, you understand) and looking forward to the MiG 21 Bis, and wanted some clarification on future plans if possible.


Are you going to be selling through the website, and/or is it going to be updated as a lot of the links are down. Is the WIP list on the website still valid or do you have some changes that you can tell us about?


Thanks for your work so far, and looking forward to your future output, be it freeware or payware.


We will open new website.

Second, we will continue to work on both - freeware and payware mods.

WIP list...at moment:


1. MiG-21BiS (2 versions + SMT a bit later) - payware

2. Yak-38 - payware

(all others listed bellow will be both - 2 versions - payware and freeware)

3. MiG-15 (Vanilla)

4. Tu-128

5. MiG-17PFM

6. MiG-19PM

8. Tu-95 (3 versions)

9. F-102A

10. MiG-21-93(2000/Lancer/Bison)

11. Mirage IV


We have more then 30 modells in pipeline



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aah great!! what vesions of the tu-95 are building?

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Tu-95M(basic variant), Tu-126 (AEW&C) derivative of Tu-95, Tu-95KD.

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I was wondering if all of your models will be work in certain Tk sim like WOI?Or will they work in all of TK sims post-patch oct08b?Seems like a stupid question I know but,for we are getting a lot of new folks here and just would like to get this out in the open..so,that you and others will be able to continue your work without being stressed by this reoccurring question.

Like your pick of aircraft to model and greatly appreciate the work that goes in to them also.

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Modells will work in all patched games - maybe not in FE only - it's a bit different, flaps are not implemented for example.

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Great deal!Very excited and have been for along time about what the future holds for these models.


Question?Is the payware site (the one that's will be built) will be more like YAP(2) or is it gonna be a totally different idea?Most modelers have an idea what kind of mission or campaign they would like their models to be used for.Seems to me that this would be a good business idea to include a terrain (modelers choice and popular demand),campaigns and missions in the future of this payware site.Or if you would like to keep this quiet until your done,I could understand that too.Just tell the "Hillbilly" to hush up! :lol:


Either way this is worked out,it's gonna be a big plus for us.



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I think that new website will be simmilar as old one - MiGs Mostly :smile:

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What kind of differences will be between payware, and freeware model of that same bird?

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Better pit (more detailed), or some free stuff will be AI only

Better 3d modell (that does not mean low quality of free releases)

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