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Operation Mountain Twilight v 1.1

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I forgot to include the updated terrain MOVEMENT.INI file which controls the frontline for the campaign.


Here is the hotfix:



FriendlyBase=Salmon River Oil Fields

EnemyBase=Global Sedition HQ




















Cut and paste that frontline entry into the AmericaNW_MOVEMENT.INI file, over-writing the old frontline entries.


Sorry about that :blush:

Edited by Baltika

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And since I'm really more into contemporary flying... is there a way you can make an update for the terrain itself? I downloaded the campaign specifically for the additions you made (SAMs... need more to worry about, though may have fixed the Stinger issue) so going to test fly it soon and will be back later on for AAR.

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And since I'm really more into contemporary flying... is there a way you can make an update for the terrain itself? I downloaded the campaign specifically for the additions you made (SAMs... need more to worry about, though may have fixed the Stinger issue) so going to test fly it soon and will be back later on for AAR.



Well, as I said, it's Doghouse's SAM mod, I just added his samsites to the updated terrain_targets.ini which I use for the campaign. There are quite a few sam sites on the red side, and the blue side airbases are also protected. Of course, that all depends on having working SAMS in your objects folder. I have been test-driving the all-in-one-weapon pack by WombRaider, AOCBravo and others, and those guys have done wonders with the SAMS.


What sort of terrain update did you have in mind?


I have a sequel or two to this campaign in the works, which takes the planeset through the 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond. Two weeks :wink: after Midway campaign is released, and some other stuff I have on the go :rolleyes:


But any suggestions for improvements are welcome.


Cheers for now :good:

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Well I took a spin and it's not really a SAM issue (least on the Red side) but not sure if the Stingers work. I'll actually fly a Red mission and see how it pans out.


Actually a "Roving Sands" style targets, i.e. Scud hunting in the backwoods of the mountains would be cool, and in really crappy spots so you have to work rather than just letting a JDAM (really great for those depot targets) loose and getting a Mission Complete. Noticed though the air count higher, something like DBS, where now instead of scampering around, you got threats. Matter of fact I had a MIG-23 chase me and I dodged into some mountains, but he wasn't slick enough as I jinked him into the mountain... And I really can't resist due to your avatar, but he tried to EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE me...

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It's easy enough to add more SAM sites, just cut & paste in the terrain_targets.ini, and renaming them to suit. Placement maybe more of an issue, but finding a spot for a sam site near to every installation on the map shouldn't be too much trouble.


As to chasing things down in the backwoods, as this is small 500k x 500k terrain, the wall is close to the edge all around, and the existing target areas take it nearly as far out as we can go. . . except, there is a quadrant in the North East sector with a nice deep valley surrounded by high mountains, which is really untouched, as yet. Wrench calls it the "River of No Return," and a few of us have been banging our heads of a brick wall trying to get water tiles onto this map.


But, a little work on the targets.ini would be all it takes to add a few target areas up there. Secret GS incursion to launch a sneak attack on the Alliance home city, based right under their noses?


Sounds like I have a plot for my OMT sequel, nice one, cheers :biggrin::good:



As to air threat activity, are you talking about campaign play or single missions? I confess I have yet to find the time to check out Wrench's update of the DBS terrain, maybe I ought to try it out :yes:

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And that's true on the placement, I'll see what I can add as far as bombable targets, but 500 x 500km is still o'plenty for most attacks.


Yeah the air threat level seems "more" than the usual. Could be just I'm getting High for Randomness on the single mission selection. Overall it does have a different feel to it.

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Baltika, did some messing around with KMD and your TARGETS.ini, and managed to get a few things added. I've figured out how to add other types of targets through experiments with the old Range terrain. The zip has your modded ini plus some "enemy spy" targets, and a commo retrans site, as well as some Scud launchers placed randomly. I managed through the single mission cycling, to get a Scud site.





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Nice one, EricJ :good:


I like the "suspected enemy spy sites." We just need a little guy with a Manpad to run out the door when you fly past :biggrin:


Anyway, if you are OK with it, I will incorporate your additions to the new, improved Targetlist I am working on for OMT:Vengeance, which will bring the planeset up to the modern era.





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That's cool man, and I need to tweak some locations. I ran a mission this morning on a Scud site and it was on the face of a mountain. It was a tight shot but I eventually got it. So what I can do is tweak the location and then I'll just post the fixes here, so we're not holding each other up.

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Cheers for that :good:


I have an old build of the modern campaign which needs tweaking - I put it together in a flurry of enthusiasm when that big MiG-21bis pack came out, which was then pulled for infringement reasons. So the Red Side squadrons will need completely re-done.


The timeframe is from 1969 to about 1990. A third installment (which is still just a gleam in my eye) will take us from the early 90's to the present.


But for OMT: Vengeance, the Allied planeset is currently looking like this. Bear in mind the intention is for a "planefest" style campaign after Firecage's great WW1 campaigns. The emphasis is on fun & variety, not on historical accuracy - well, it's Alliance vs GS after all :wink:




F-111K ?

Harrier Gr1/Gr3

Jaguar GR

Tornado GRMk1






F-16 (A_B10, B_B10, C_B30, C_B50)


F-111 (A, D)

A-10A (Early, LASTE, Modern)








Mirage IIIC








I may also sneak in a few others that fit the timeframe, F-19, F-23A, A-16A_Blk10, and a few of the later F-15s. Germany is conspicuous by its absence from the line-up, and I think i will have to fix that.


After much thought I have decided not to include any Navy birds, at least until some bright spark gets the waterways done on this map. I am a big fan of the Navy stuff, but that will have to go on a terrain which has some water. That's for another day.


If there's anything you want to see included that fits the time-frame, fire away, as this is still in relatively early stages of development.


Cheers for now.

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Looks pretty impressive for a set. Maybe the latter timeframe the F-35?

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Looks pretty impressive for a set. Maybe the latter timeframe the F-35?

Who needs a F-35 when the Harrier can do it for less and dirtier.

Edited by MAKO69

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True, but a Harrier can't carry ECM. I'm telling you in some places it saves you. The F-35 has it internal, so no loss in weapon carrying capability.

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I find it courious that Wrench calls that area the "River of No Return". Anyone know exactly where this America Northwest terrain map is based from? I used to go whitewater river running, camping, fishing and hang gliding in a region in North Idaho in the Seven Devils-Riggins-Snake River-Hell's Canyon and Salmon River area. This terrain mod almost fits that area like a glove. Anyway, the courious thing is, the nickname for the Salmon River is the "River of No Return".

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I only called it that because I couldn't think of a better name, and had Marlyin Monroe on my mind..... :rofl:


wet camisole....hhhmmmmmm :wink:


I'm just upset that Lake Sasquatch is missing.... :cray:



kevin stein

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