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Do the blinder have strobe lights too on the wingtips like modern airliner have them?! You know what I mean, cause never saw this modelled on any plane in this sim, don`t knwo if this is only for civil aviation?!

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I've tried to make strobe lights, but couldnt get them to work right. The timing interval in between flashes and intensity was ok, but the time of the actual flash isnt modelled (or known to me), so it just looked like a bright and rapidly flashing light.


Great light work Jug. Thanks!



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Strobe as in rotating? Jeff asked me about that ways back, I could never figure out a 'rotating beacon'. As far as I know, it's on/off only (FlashTime=xxx)


I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Jug publicliy for taking over the Lighting Fixes... I HATE electrical work!!! :yes: A rather odd statement coming from the guy who's speciality was on-board computer controls and driveability....


(hmm....is it a 1000 ohms per foot drop???? volts times amps equals watts? Watt is it??!!! :haha: )



kevin stein

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Yea Kevin, I did ask you a while back when I was messing with the MH-60 and AH-6 lighting, IIRC.


I was meaning more of a true strobe, like on the tail of F-16, or on a helo.


Bummer, as that would be a cool effect.



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Hey Jug,with all the lights you put on this year on a/c,do you still have to put up the Christmas lights?

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