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FM-2 Wildcat (stand in)

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FM-2 Wildcat (stand in)

General Motors FM-2 Wildcat Pak for SF/WoV/WoE WW2: PTO Installs


This package contains a new skin, and some minor data & cockpit ini mods for Pasko's F4F-4 "Wildcat", representing (as a kind of stand in) the GM/Eastern Aircraft built version, the FM-2. I call this a 'stand-in', as there are several marked differences from the F4F-4 and FM-2 models. These are enumerated in the "General Notes" section


This is to be considered an "incomplete" aircrafit mod, as I've =NOT= included the actual LOD files. You WILL need to have the original F4F-4 to copy these files from. The cockpit, however, IS included.


The skin represents VF-26 as seen aboard USS SANTEE during mid-late 1944,during operations against Palau and the Mariana Islands, and the Battle of the Phillipine Sea (aka "The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot").


The data ini mods include corrected positions and the additions of, running, recognition, formation and landing lights. Loadout changes include the addition of 6 HVAR rocket positions. I've also tweeked the canopy to it opens to it's full extent; swaped out the pilot for a more US looking WW2 guy, and gave him a seat to "park it" on. -NO OTHER CHANGES HAVE BEEN EFFECTD-!!! Flight modeling remains just 'as issued'. Enhanced AI sections have been added, including several from post-patch WoE/WoV/WoI/ SF. The engine sound has also been changed (wav included!). Another sound tweek has also been added, creating the ratcheting sound of the landing gear mechanism (wav included, too!).

Also, it is now fully carrier-qualified, so mission and campaign builders can use it from the CVs, CVLs and CVEs.

The cockpit ini has been modified for a new WW2 N-3 gunsight tga.


2 New WoE style Hangar Screens are included (so you get to choose which you like best), as is a new Loading screen. Damage tgas are here as well. Weapons are NOT included!



-= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =-

-== This aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE and post-patch WoI (8/29/08). There still are some 'issues' with prop-plane flight models, but there has been a MARKED improvement!! ==-

-== You use it in WoI at YOUR own risk ==-


As expected, there's highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions in the enclosed readme -- so READ it!!!


Good Hunting!


Kevin Stein


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