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Funny 9 Line Brief (Off Color)

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Target Elevation

Target Description

Target Location





That is the target data to be transmitted in the above order and what information is required. So it looks like this.



40 degrees

10 NM

2500 ASL

OBL molesting goat on road running N-S

Grid AB9999

WP smoke

Friendlies NE 3.5 k

Egress SW to Tango


You might have to be in the military get the joke. But its funny. I can do 9 lines briefs in my sleep.

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I'm having trouble seeing the marker, I'm going to need an 8 digit grid to that target location, over.

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I'm having trouble seeing the marker, I'm going to need an 8 digit grid to that target location, over.


Copy JW, what if you gave you an audio vector? :lol:

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Negative, my Nav has some FOD damage, I am actually over BA9999 time now, which means I am in Pakistani Airspac..... S%$#. Wait one, over.

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My friend (the Hawg driver) would love that one!

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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot OVER? LOL, Sierra Hotel and Bravo Zulu to u for the 9 line

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