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Tu-22 BRIEF History (no prototypes, no 22M) include some planes SN (for skin modders)


Tu-22A(B) - 15 planes engines 2xVD-7M SLThrustDry=102900.0 SLThrustWet=156800.0 max speed 1510 kmph, ceiling 14700 m

BomBs 250-9000KG 12000KG max loadout (up to 24 FAB-250 or 1 FAB-9000) 'Rubin' radar no RWR


1959 - 5 planes SN: 2019012 (101), 3019022 (102), 4029011 (201), 5029025 (202), 1029034 (203),

1960 – 10 planesSN ?(204), 2039012 (301), 3039022 (302), 4039031 (303), 5039045 (304), 1039054 (305)


Tu-22R - Recon plane engines 2xVD-7M (RD-7M-2 since 1965) cameras: AFA-40, AFA-41/20, AFA-42/20, AFA-42/75, AFA-42/100 и NAFA-75.

'Rubin' Radar RWR added (Sirena-3)

1960 - 3 planes, 1961-62 – 28, 1963 – 33, 1964 – 37, 1965 – 11, 1966 – 5, 1967 – 10, 1968 – 16, 1969 – 4


in 1975-1980 all flyalbe Tu-22R were updated to Tu-22RM


Tu-22RK - same that R, but has 'Kub' electonic recon system updated to RD level in 1975-80


Tu-22RD recon plane - 31 planes added refueling system,RD-7M-2 engines SLThrustDry=107800.0 SLThrustWet=161700.0 RWR (Sirena-3)

'Kub' radar recon system in production since 1965 SN 3083012


in 1981-1984 all flyable RD were updated to RDM


Tu-22RDK - updated RK (in 1975-80)


Tu-22RM - updated 'R' , 'Shompol' (sime view Radar, same at MiG-25RBSh) ECM SPS-151(152,153), ASO-2I CM (chaffs) 'TangaZh', 'Osen'' Pods

RWR (Sirena-3)

in service since 1975


Tu-22RDM recon plane, updated RD Radars: 'Rubin-1A', 'Shompol' (sime view, same at MiG-25RBSh) ECM SPS-151(152,153), ASO-2I CM (chaffs)

in service since 1981


Tu-22P-1 ECM plane engines 2xVD-7M SPS-44, SPS-55,half SPS-4M,half SPS-5M, RWR (on all P's)


Tu-22P-2 SPS-77,half SPS-4M,half SPS-5M, SPS-5M in P-2 pod, 2x APP-22


Tu-22P-4 SPS-22-70, SPS-33-70 и SPS-5M in P-4 pod, SPS-6, APP-22


Tu-22P-6 SPS-22-70, SPS-44-70 и 2xHalF SPS-5M In P-6 pod, SPS-6, APP-22


Tu-22P-7 SPS-22-70, SPS-55-70 и 2xHalF SPS-5M In P-6 pod, SPS-6, APP-22


Tu-22P all planes:


1960 – 2 planes, 1961-62 – 1, 1964 – 5, 1965 – 9, 1966 – 10, 1967 – 10, 1968 – 2, 1969 – 11.


Tu-22K 'PN' radar (500KM range) 1 Kh-22 missile (Kh-22, Kh-22P,Kh-22PSI) engines 2xVD-7M has added RWR (Sirena-3)


1960 – 2, 1961-62 – 2, 1963 – 3, 1964 – 2, 1965 – 10, 1966 – 20, 1967 – 20, 1968 – 9, 1969 – 1


Tu-22KD 'PN' radar (500KM range) 1 Kh-22 missile (Kh-22, Kh-22P,Kh-22PSI) engines 2xVD-7M-2 RWR (Sirena-3) added refueling system

engines 2xVD-7M (RD-7M-2 since 1965)



Tu-22U trainer 1960 – 3, 1961-62 – 2, 1964 – 5, 1965 – 5, 1966 – 5, 1967 – 10


Tu-22UD trainer has refueling system 33 planes




Engines: TSFCM0=0.800 TSFCM1=1.200 (VD(RD)-7M); TSFCM0=0.73 TSFCM1=1.200 (RD-7M-2)


All Tu-22 has R-23 turret (removed only on some latest R & P in 1980-1985):


Recon cameras data & all modifications kh-22 data placed in my weapon pack part 4


All K & R & P series planes can be corverted to bombers (after few days work)...


Kh-22 & Kh-22M family has cruise altitude 22000 m, N family 12500-22000 m


in 197~ late production planes (R & P) were updated ECM SPS-151(152,153) mounted, in late 197~ early 198~ flare pod forASO-2I was mounted at all planes


Turret data:








Position= 0.26,14.25,0.88

MinExtentPosition= 0.55,13.80,-0.42

MaxExtentPosition= 0.10,14.61, 1.10














// Internal Guns ---------------------------------------------------------











MaxExtentPosition= 0.25,-14.72, 0.23


You still read?

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1) for KD you must add refueling system on nose, if this absent on LOD and change engines data

Speed is 1640 kmph max / 950 kmph cruise, combat range: 2550km subsonic / 1150 KM supersonic, ceiling 13300 m

empty mass 50000KG, normal loadout 85000kg, max 92000kg


2)RDM... mmm not so easy ! get R, change engines add efueling system on nose, add SRS-13S and ECM SPS-151(152,153) data if can find it.

and add recon pods 'Tangazh & Osen', ), ASO-2I CM (chaffs)& frares


tail turret removed by ECM SPS-151(152,153)


Speed is 1600 kmph max / 975 kmph cruise, combat range: 3050km subsonic / 1250 KM supersonic, ceiling 13800 m

empty mass 43600KG, normal loadout 85000kg, max 92000kg

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will remove the turret on the RDM and create a cover for it this pic was just a 20 mins work incl. positioning... will map it and fix the data ini stuff and release it when it`s ready! hope that`s what you were talking about. Do you have some more pics of those versions?!


@ Jug maybe you have a light fix for this bird?!

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will remove the turret on the RDM and create a cover for it this pic was just a 20 mins work incl. positioning... will map it and fix the data ini stuff and release it when it`s ready! hope that`s what you were talking about. Do you have some more pics of those versions?!


@ Jug maybe you have a light fix for this bird?!


I will send to you good tu-22 book with drawings & pictures in some minutes, just wait....

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So I have a few questions, how can I move the view position in the cockpit, I can move the pit around but not the view??!! Another question is what are the parameter for the afterburner length?!

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and what are the correct entries for ASM? EOGR,LGB,ARM,ASM,CGR is the ASM the correct one, what sensors do a plane need?! I wand to put the ground radar with 500 km range as it was put in those birds but look what I have so far...




and how is it here with the "copyright" of the data.ini cause I have heavily modified it, can it be released or should I contact TK or only a readme for the changes ...??

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Ini files are considered okay to mod and release because there isn't anything really proprietary in them.



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and what are the correct entries for ASM? EOGR,LGB,ARM,ASM,CGR is the ASM the correct one, what sensors do a plane need?! I wand to put the ground radar with 500 km range as it was put in those birds but look what I have so far...




and how is it here with the "copyright" of the data.ini cause I have heavily modified it, can it be released or should I contact TK or only a readme for the changes ...??


At any way NO LGB! Tu-22 can use only Kh-22family, Kh-22Mfamily, Kh-22Nfamily missiles (land, attack, ASM,ARM)

Anty-Ship Missile No need special sensor, ship very radio-contrast target, tracking ship and provide ship coordinites and movement vector to missile inertial navigation system is no problem. ALL kh-22 is FIRE and FORGOT missiles(exept first Kh-22). land attack missiles also can used at only radio-contrast targets (bridges, factories etc). all kh-22 family data include in my weapons pack part4. but if want use kh-22 on short distance, you must turn of lofted function, i testing Kh-22's at 150-220 km range, they working good.

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So I have a few questions, how can I move the view position in the cockpit, I can move the pit around but not the view??!! Another question is what are the parameter for the afterburner length?!


To move yourself in the cockpit you need to modify Tu-22_COCKPIT.INI, I think. Also, you can adjust the afterburner length (as well as any other parameter of it) by editing the AFTERBURNEREMITTER.INI file.

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@ krizis do you have a kh22 missile family in your pack?! would you pls send it to me


Nextoperator ad gmx dot net


thank you

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thanks two of the links don`t work for me, but I found some more pics. want to create:







and than release them, hope with lindr2 help I get those ECM stuff and flare stations to work!

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KD = modeling finished




Updates: small Engine intakes, antenas in the front area, new radarnose, refuelprobe and some other small parts added, new weaponstation for ASM, added ECM and flare stations

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KD = modeling finished




Updates: small Engine intakes, antenas in the front area, new radarnose, refuelprobe and some other small parts added, new weaponstation for ASM, added ECM and flare stations


You removed tail gun for KD? please show a pics... I want to see it!

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Ok here is what I have so far...




ECM added and CM too.... new Ground radar with a 500 km range and a large missile station for ASW missions


But how can I make it that the pilot sits a bit on the right or left side to have a better forward view ???

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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