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Hey People:


As usual I was flying around on my various sims and I realized that there is no SR-71 for WOX. So I'm putting out my request. I realize there will be a bit of a Horizontal distance problem with the maps, but it would still be fun to get up to FL850:)




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Thanks, I look foward to traversing North Vietnam at 1+ miles per second:)



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While this has been brought up several times over the years, the Blackbird does not have a lack of following, but more along the lines of trying to get aircraft out that had a more interactable role.


The interest factor of zooming over EVERYTHING at FL850+ would quickly fade, since you can only do that. Plus, the AI wouldnt utilize it correctly.


So I believe the time and energy is being focused on other projects.



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**(to creature)


NV is not really there.


Terrain height and sea, but otherwise blank terrain tiles.


You do know what a laboratory is, right?

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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Yup, I know what a lab is. I was referring to my WOV terrain:)) If someone were to make the SR-71 it would be fun to cross vietnam in 20 minutes!! Maybe we could crack that imaginary boundry around the edges and wind up in China. LOLOL It's nice to see someone trying to make a bigger world for WOX. Storm says the novelty might fade. Maybe, but it would be fun to find out.



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The interest factor of zooming over EVERYTHING at FL850+ would quickly fade, since you can only do that. Plus, the AI wouldnt utilize it correctly.

Right. AI is not programmed to follow afterburning dash waypoints in this sim, although no Jetsim ever offered that as far as I know. On the other hand, AI now can spot aircraft using radar search, and engage them well BVR, and this is effected by the defined radar search range or strength. I have not tested detailed situations with this however.


These high altitudes really require ramping up the horizon distance in FlightEngine. TK introduced a major "flaw" in the sim's twilight modelling that porks terrain beyond the maximum stock horizon distance, and its not easily configurable like the old twilight method...you never see it unless you ramp up this distance. TK went for the "camera lens" sunset effect, and it bleeds RED like an open wound over everything -- close objects and distant terrain alike. Hence my hesitation to go with 2008, but I'm slowly making some work arounds but they are not perfect. I may need more tga skills to do what I need. However, some *really* good stuff in 2008 tempts me to go with the new.


The sim is not designed for this type of flying, but there never has been any so its nothing new. And there is no alternative anywhere for SR-71...maybe an eventual evolved Project Galba, especially if its moddable, but who knows. This sim is the only option for now, which makes TK THE BEST MAN. :good:

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This sim is the only option for now, which makes TK THE BEST MAN




Out running SAMS, and seeing Orions Belt at mid afternoon is all in the future, but for now, with all the exceptionally talented and detailed aircraft designers that WOX has created, It would be a blast to fly. I've flown it in X-Plane and FS and it is nothing compared to the intense detail that the WOV designers are capable of.



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You can see stars in daytime now at very high alts, and this is fairly configurable under [HiAlt] block of Enviro file. One of the things I like about 2008. TK did something very neat here: You won't see any stars near the sun. Daytime high altitude stars are not rendered within maybe ~40 degrees of the sun. This is Perfect. Seeing stars in daytime at high alt should not be easy, because your eyes are adjusted to daylight shining in the cockpit, the terrain, and if you look near the sun, your eyes experience severe...shrinkage...for lack of better word. Pretty much the same reason cameras don't record stars on daylight photos from the old Apollo moon landings.

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That's pretty sharp that you picked that up about the stars. The Apollo missions reminded me of another sim that may have an SR-71 add-on. The last thing any of us need is another sim to get addicted to but here is the Link.




It's called Orbiter Space Flight Simulator. and it's Free!!! The modders and designers over there are extremely similar to the WOX people, high attention to detail and very passionate except they deal with space. I wouldn't be suprised to find out that there are a few of the WOX crew work along with the Orbiter gang.

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Eh? None anywhere? So does MSFS or X-Plane not count? I disagree...besides, as pointed out, flying fast in a straight line in this game is not worth the sheer effort of getting a model into form to release to the ever-critical public...it would be like so many of the other planes already here for download, people download it, install it, fly it like three times, and then post that they want another one or that version block 32 is their very all time favorite...

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I guess it's just a matter of choice:) I for one have flown the snot out of the F9F panther. Mainly because of the attention to detail that was put into it, and I don't think the panther is a very popular plane. At least not as popular as the Blackbird. I posted this only a few hours ago, and already it has over a 100 hits. Trust me, if I could build it myself I would!!! I just put this out there hoping someone else who has the ability to build one, knows that there are other people interested. One of the unique things about the WOX crew is that their attention to detail in the performance, dimensions, cockpits, skins, etc... are historically accurate. I'm not gonna beat a dead horse, but I wanted to stir the pot a little to see if others were interested, and so far I think they are:))

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Eh? None anywhere? So does MSFS or X-Plane not count? I disagree...besides, as pointed out, flying fast in a straight line in this game is not worth the sheer effort of getting a model into form to release to the ever-critical public...it would be like so many of the other planes already here for download, people download it, install it, fly it like three times, and then post that they want another one or that version block 32 is their very all time favorite...

"Whiskey Dave", Sled-driver and fearless aviator, told me that flying the SR-71 was boring. That is the real SR-71. Yea it goes fast, but not perceptably so. Yea, its high, but not perceptably more so than in a zoom climb in an F-4 to 60K. Air refueling is air refueling. RSO in back does all the work and pilot spend his time fiddling with the spike control wheels racing the computer to keep the shock wave captured on the inside lip of the intake. Anybody yawning yet. Sexy jet, dull mission, same as in the Dragon Lady. Sorry if that pops any bubbles.

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"Whiskey Dave", Sled-driver and fearless aviator, told me that flying the SR-71 was boring. That is the real SR-71.





That's funny, but they were looking from the inside out:)) Ask them what they would've thought if they could have flown that thing 50 ft off the deck right through Hanoi:)))) I think personally that would scared the poop out of everyone and ended the war:)))))))



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rather stretches back to "realism, realism, realism" that for so many years has been spewed on this and other forums...people really do not want realism...


you want to fill out forms?

you want to get up at 0300?

you want to spend every day studying in a vault?

you want to wonder if that is a rash or "geasels"?

you want to skip lunch, sweat, listen to some Intel guy studder through the same damn capes brief...again?

you want to sit in 120 F heat flipping switches, circuit breakers, and staring at needles?


How many of you do a control cross check before take off?

How many of you use F6 to visually inspect the airplane before take off?

How many of you have studied the radar capes of your pretend airplanes?

How many of you taxi back after you land?

How many of you land after a mission?

How many of you write a letter to a virtual spouse after you loose a little digital wingman?

How many of you know what an FCR failure is?

How many of you know if that slight slick under the port wing is dew or hydraulic fluid?

How many of you know the tire pressure of even one of these pretend airplanes?


Know what an FCF is? Or why is is either the most boring or most exiting flight you can draw that day/night?


How many know any of the launch parameters of any of the weapons you pretend to employ?


Realism is more than a double edged sword...it is holding a weed-eater at the wrong end for someone trying to sell video games...



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rather stretches back to "realism, realism, realism" that for so many years has been spewed on this and other forums...people really do not want realism...


you want to fill out forms?

you want to get up at 0300?

you want to spend every day studying in a vault?

you want to wonder if that is a rash or "geasels"?

you want to skip lunch, sweat, listen to some Intel guy studder through the same damn capes brief...again?

you want to sit in 120 F heat flipping switches, circuit breakers, and staring at needles?


How many of you do a control cross check before take off?

How many of you use F6 to visually inspect the airplane before take off?

How many of you have studied the radar capes of your pretend airplanes?

How many of you taxi back after you land?

How many of you land after a mission?

How many of you write a letter to a virtual spouse after you loose a little digital wingman?

How many of you know what an FCR failure is?

How many of you know if that slight slick under the port wing is dew or hydraulic fluid?

How many of you know the tire pressure of even one of these pretend airplanes?


Know what an FCF is? Or why is is either the most boring or most exiting flight you can draw that day/night?


How many know any of the launch parameters of any of the weapons you pretend to employ?


Realism is more than a double edged sword...it is holding a weed-eater at the wrong end for someone trying to sell video games...



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I don't mean to sound REDUNDANT, But Holy blasphemy batman!!!!:)))))))))) Been partly there, done some of that, and have half the T-Shirt, and not always 3 feet from my toilet, but I like this SIMULATOR.


All in fun



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Yep, if you want perception of "slow" or "boring" you fly the fastest mission ever flown: Apollo between 2 planets.


The faster you go, the slower it seems, as the distance to visual references grows far faster than the speed grows. The door to perception is knowing what you are looking for.


Don't let these guys get you down creature. :wink: The perception looked for is found in the performing the overall mission idea. TK's sim needs alot of tweaking to gear it towards simulating hi stuff. That's never been done before in The Sims. We are the first!

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Mike, you mentioned something from another thread ..


Have you seen this pic? This is new to me.



large pic ~> http://www.aracnet.com/~pdxavets/57-066.jpg


PLUMBBOB/JOHN - July 19, 1957 - LAS VEGAS, NV - NEVADA TEST SITE -- The flash of the exploding nuclear warhead of the air-to-air rocket (JOHN Event) is shown as a bright sun in the eastern sky at 7:30 a.m. July 19, 1957 at Indian Springs Air Force Base, some 30 miles away from the point of detonation. A Scorpion, sister ship of the launching aircraft, is in the foreground. Test officials said that the operation was fully successful, including accuracy in achieving detonation at the desired point in space, and including gathering of data on various weapons effects experiments. No fallout, other than negligible traces, was reported by off-site AEC radiological monitors.


from ~ http://www.aracnet.com/~pdxavets/plumbbob.htm

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rather stretches back to "realism, realism, realism" that for so many years has been spewed on this and other forums...people really do not want realism...


you want to fill out forms?

you want to get up at 0300?

you want to spend every day studying in a vault?

you want to wonder if that is a rash or "geasels"?

you want to skip lunch, sweat, listen to some Intel guy studder through the same damn capes brief...again?

you want to sit in 120 F heat flipping switches, circuit breakers, and staring at needles?


How many of you do a control cross check before take off?

How many of you use F6 to visually inspect the airplane before take off?

How many of you have studied the radar capes of your pretend airplanes?

How many of you taxi back after you land?

How many of you land after a mission?

How many of you write a letter to a virtual spouse after you loose a little digital wingman?

How many of you know what an FCR failure is?

How many of you know if that slight slick under the port wing is dew or hydraulic fluid?

How many of you know the tire pressure of even one of these pretend airplanes?


Know what an FCF is? Or why is is either the most boring or most exiting flight you can draw that day/night?


How many know any of the launch parameters of any of the weapons you pretend to employ?


Realism is more than a double edged sword...it is holding a weed-eater at the wrong end for someone trying to sell video games...




Ahh, the joys of being an aviator, eh Sparko?

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OK Boys and Girls:


Getting off topic a little bit ya think? All I wanted was an SR-71:)))



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How many of you write a letter to a virtual spouse after you loose a little digital wingman?

I have escorted remains home to a grieving family and given his ID tags to his mother once, that is not fun.

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Lexx Luthor,

Interesting web site and pics, haven't seen many of them before.

Knew several folks who were in the atmospheric test program and witnessed tests such as Crossroads, the Mike shot, and Castle Bravo.


Yours, Mike

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I have escorted remains home to a grieving family and given his ID tags to his mother once, that is not fun.


I have put more in the ground than I ever care to do again.

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